Newtmas - We Found Love

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Okay, so I thought I'd already published this but I guess I didn't so I'm so sorry for the delay! This is for emmacasey28 as your prize for coming 2nd in my 2K Votes Prize Draw: a one-shot with a character based off of you! I hope you enjoy it!

Based on: We Found Love by Rihanna (feat. Calvin Harris).

3rd Person POV

“She's just in the lounge; they're having tea and coffee.” the receptionist said, pointing Newt in the direction of the lounge – down the corridor and to the left.

Newt nodded, heading that way.
He could hear the light hum of conversation escaping through the open door that lead to the lounge. As he approached the doorway, he stopped, eyes scanning the bustling room for his Gran. He finally found her, resting in a large red armchair by the closest wall, smiling up at a young man.

The man speaking to her looked to be Newt's age, maybe just a few inches smaller than Newt himself. He had fluffy brown hair, his large hand running through it as he laughed at something Newt's Gran had said. His laugh was gorgeous, the action causing him to throw his heads back slightly, mouth dropped open revealing rows of perfectly white teeth. His eyes were squeezed shut, crinkling at the sides. Newt couldn't help but smile. A pale pink dusted over his tan cheeks – possibly due to the heat of the room.

"You're too handsome to be single!" Newt's Gran teased, pinching Thomas' cheeks. Thomas giggled, patting her hand away playfully.

"What have we said about you trying to set me up? It's not happening!" Thomas said, a hint of seriousness almost lost in the laughing tone of his voice. He smiled at the lovely old lady. She was by far one of his favourite residents.

Thomas had worked at the Care Home for nearly three years now, and over that time he's learned a lot about each of the people that live there.

Shaking his head, Thomas places her cup of tea on the table to her left as she hummed disapprovingly at his statement. Shaking his head with a light chuckle, Thomas straightened up, coming unexpectedly face to face with a very attractive blonde man stood behind the lady's chair.

Thomas gaped, he was beautiful! His hair was neatly styled back, fringe pushed to one side. His clothes were immaculate. His hands were large, fingers long, and Thomas had to refrain from wondering what good those long fingers could do.

"Hi, Gran!" the stranger greeted the lady, resting a hand over her shoulder as he leant down to her level. His voice was sweet like sugarcanes yet rough like toffee. It was addictive and he'd only said two words.

The little old lady's face lit up at the sound of his voice, turning her head to look at him. "Oh, Newt! You made it."

Newt, that was his name, laughed with a nod as he sat beside his Gran, engaging in conversation. Thomas shuffled awkwardly before rushing away, running into the kitchens.

"Emma!" He called out, placing his hands on the counter, stretching out with his head hanging down. Within a minute, Emma came rushing into the kitchen, empty tray in hand which she quickly threw on the counter as she saw Thomas' state.

"Tom? You okay? You're not sick are you!" She worried, placing a hand tentatively on his back and rubbing it comfortingly.

Thomas shook his head.

"Well what's the matter then?" She demanded, stepping back and crossing her arms.

Thomas sighed, pushing himself up to look at Emma.

"I just embarrassed myself in front of a really cute guy!" He whined, sulking like a child.

Emma just laughed, having to look away from her friend for a moment to compose herself. "Tom, seriously, how did you embarrass yourself?"

Dylmas/Newtmas One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now