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Please read!

Okay, so just as a heads-up: my exams start this week and this is why I haven't updated in so long. I really miss writing but I can't risk failing my exams so if I don't update until end of June/early July this is my reason. Please don't think that I'm not returning to WattPad; as soon as I've finished my exams (or find time where I'm not revising or working (because I also recently got myself a new job)) I'll be updating regularly again. I have so many ideas saved in my phone waiting!

In the meantime, why don't you check out my other work? Or, if you've already done that, I strongly suggest reading the books saved in my reading lists :)

Love you guys, and thanks for the patience! x

Ps. Good luck to anyone else taking exams! I'm sure you'll all do great! <3

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