Newtmas - Here

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Another one-shot for you lovely people! I'm not sure if I like this one, but I'll let you lot decide :)


Based on: Here by Alessia Cara

3rd Person POV

Thomas walked through the already open door, following behind his two friends: Minho and Teresa. The music was loud, electric guitars and drums, and the people were louder. Crowds of intoxicated people swarmed around Thomas, some barging into him, others observing him intently. The place stunk of alcohol.

Immediately, his two friends headed straight to the already busy bar to order drinks. Thomas followed them like a small puppy, glancing unsurely at his surroundings.

Once at the bar, Teresa ordered them all a round of vodka shots, "C'mon guys, let's get wasted!" she screamed over the music, throwing her head back and gulping down the clear liquid.

Thomas watched hesitantly as Minho followed suit, before glancing down at his own still full shot glass. Swirling the liquid around in the small glass, he took a deep breath, tilting his head back as he brought the edge of the glass to his lips, jumping at the cold sensation.

"Come on, Thomas, what's taking you so long?" Teresa questioned from his side, impatient.

Closing his eyes, Thomas parted his lips slightly, just enough to allow the clear liquid to slip by. He swallowed, grimacing as the drink slipped down his throat, leaving behind a burning sensation. "Ugh!" he exclaimed, slamming the glass down onto the bar counter as he shook his head, grabbing a handful of salted peanuts to rid his mouth of the foul taste.

"That's it!" Minho encouraged, patting him on the back, possibly a bit too harshly, causing Thomas to stumble forward.

"Let's go dance," Teresa shouted, grabbing Minho's hand and pulling him over to the stage where some band was playing an unfamiliar yet catchy song. Internally groaning, Thomas trapesed after the two of them, almost losing them in the sea of drunken dancers.

Finally reaching his two friends, who were now dancing carefree at the front of the stage, Thomas looked around. He was surrounded by people his age, all dancing, laughing and singing along to the band. Swivelling around to face the stage, Thomas looked up.

Stood on the stage was a group of five boys, all of similar ages to Thomas. The guitarist, a black haired guy with a constant wide smile. The drummer, the youngest of the group, slightly chubbier than the rest with light brown curls. The keyboardist, a tall guy with shaved blonde hair. The singers, one with shaved black hair and prominent muscles and one with floppy blonde hair that covered half of his face as he looked down at the bass that he was playing.

Thomas' heart flipped in his chest as his eyes fell on the singer/bass player. He was gorgeous.

As he looked up at the boy, the blonde lifted his head, his smooth hazel eyes catching Thomas' intense stare. Thomas' breath got caught in his throat as he stared up at the blonde (who looked a few years older than himself), his teeth sinking into his bottom lip to contain himself. The blonde's eyes followed the small action, a pleased smirk falling onto his pink lips, before he let his hazel eyes trail over the younger's body, burning into Thomas' skin. The boy was wearing a loose leather jacket over a thin, pale pink tank top and very low hanging skinny jeans. A small, weaved bracelet was on his dainty wrist, the colours faded. His skin was pale and smooth, his frame thin but muscly. Thomas felt ugly and embarrassed in comparison to this godlike creature stood before him.

The two held eye contact, neither daring nor neither willing to pull away first. Eventually though, the blonde had to look back down at his bass to check the chords that he was playing, though not before sending a flirtatious wink in Thomas' direction.

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