Newtmas - I Miss You

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Okay, so, I realised that I don't have anywhere near enough Jealous!Boyfriend material amongst these one-shots so here's a quick one I just whipped up (whipped up? wtf...)

Ooh, and I made a few Newtmas edits that are on YouTube! Please check them out, I know they're not good but eh? I'm xSiriusLupinx :)

Based on: I Miss You by Clean Bandit (feat. Julia Michaels)

3rd Person POV

Newt sighed, checking over his outfit for the last time. He quickly ruffled his hair, restyling it into a more natural look, smoothed down his jacket and pocketed his phone before leaving his room and stepping out into the hallway of his shared apartment.

As a college student, money was limited, and so he and two of his closest friends decided to share rent on a small, 3 bedroom apartment within walking distance of campus. It worked out cheaper.

Entering the living-room, Newt was met by a wolf-whistle from his childhood friend, Gally. He and Gally had met years and years ago, back when they were both still practically in diapers. Their mothers had been friends and so, naturally, they became friends. 

Unfortunately, they both went to separate high schools due to Newt's mother getting a new job in a different state. They didn't see each other once throughout their high school years and, honestly, Newt hadn't expected to ever see Gally again.

Gally enjoyed his high school years; all of his and Newt's old friends from when they were younger went there and so he wasn't alone.

One day, about 3 years into high school, a new kid arrived. He was lonely, and confused, so Gally took it upon himself to befriend him. His name was Thomas.

Thomas became one of Gally's closest friends and when Newt arrived back in town, having moved away from home to attend the same University as them, the three clicked instantly. The trio got on like a house on fire (as Newt and Gally's mothers used to say when they were young). 

Not long after they met, Newt and Thomas began dating. They were actually still dating when the three friends decided to buy an apartment together. The relationship lasted almost two years, but unfortunately the two had too many differences that they just couldn't seem to fit into a relationship. They agreed to remain friends, though, and that's how it's been for the past four months.

"Looking good, Newt!" Gally called from across the room, standing up from where he had been tying his laces. 

Newt laughed, shaking his head at his friend. "Where's Tommy? He ready yet?"

Gally shrugged, walking out into the hallway. "Thomas!" 

There was silence, followed by a loud bang, a thump and a muffled curse.

"Mmf-yeah, ah fuck!" 

Newt laughed, walking down to Thomas' room where the sounds were heard. What he saw made his day.

Thomas was laying, face-down, on the floor, his feet tangled around his bedside lamp's wire. The lamp itself was barely balancing on the edge of the bedside table to his right. He had one shoe on, untied, the other still on his bed. 

"You okay there, Tommy?" Newt smirked, leaning on the doorframe.

Thomas stuck a thumb up, "Oh yeah, just great." He replied, raising his head slightly. But as he moved, he knocked the bedside table, which proceeded to wobble before the lamp toppled over the edge, smacking down on Thomas' head. "Oh my, motherfu-" Thomas cried out in pain.

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