Dylmas - You

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Heyyyy guys! It feels like ages since I last wrote something but it's only been like a month :0 I hope that's not too long!

Special thanks to pandas_getting_high for the help ;)

Anyways, I'll let you get to reading instead of waffling on XD

Based on: You by COASTS

3rd Person POV

Thomas hummed quietly to himself as he poured hot coffee into a cup, the steam rising from it dancing in the air in front of him. The brown-black liquid created small ripples, a strong and bitter aroma filling Thomas' nose as he carefully walked over to the counter. Placing a plastic lid on top of the cup, Thomas slid the coffee over to the customer.

"That'll be £1.80, please." he smiled. He put the money into the till beside him and leant forward, his elbows resting on the smooth surface. The low buzz of the old radio sat on a shelf somewhere behind him could be heard throughout the small coffee shop. A few customers sat on the tatty chairs scattered around the room either with their heads stuck in a book or talking to a friend. It was a small coffee shop, not too busy, with a homely atmosphere.

Today, it was only Thomas who had a shift.

The soft chime of the bell by the door brought Thomas out of his daydream, standing up and plastering a smile on his face. But as he looked up, his eyes meeting with the new arrival's, his smile faltered for a split second, a fluttery feeling in his stomach.

The person walking closer and closer to him was beautiful. Like, beautiful. He had dark brown hair slightly quiffed at the front; soft, warm eyes, thin lips and rosy cheeks from the harsh, winter wind outside. He wore a cute batman top, jeans that looked like they cost more than Thomas' motorbike and a thick leather jacket. As he approached Thomas he smiled, his eyes lighting up ever so slightly.

Thomas could feel the heat rushing to his cheeks as he tried to calm his beating heart. Opening his mouth, he tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out. Coughing to clear his throat, Thomas calmed down. Seeing the man stood in front of him now smirking, an amused look in his eye, Thomas blushed harder. But then he had an idea. A wonderful idea that would wipe that smirk straight off of the guy's enticing lips.

"Hi, welcome to Coffee Express, can I take your number?"

The guy seemed to hesitate, a confused look on his face as he eyed Thomas up.

"I'm sorry, what?" he questioned. Thomas could have melted into the tiled floor right there and then at the sound of the unknown man's voice. It was low, and husky but smooth at the same time.

"I said," Thomas exaggerated, a smile growing on his lips, "Hi, welcome to Coffee Express, can I take your order?" He mimicked his greeting. The man cocked an eyebrow but didn't question him any further as he ordered a small caramel latte to go.

Thomas walked over to the old coffee maker behind him, preparing a take-out cup whilst he waited. After pouring the hot liquid into the cup, and before taking the drink to the guy, Thomas quickly grabbed a marker pen from the counter and wrote something on the side of the cup. Smiling to himself, he finally handed the drink over to the man, taking the money from him and placing it into the till.

"Have a good day, sir." Thomas called as the door opened and the man left.

* * *

Dylan stepped outside of the coffee shop, the wind brushing against his face. He shivered, pulling his jacket closer to his body. He was just about to take a sip of his drink when he noticed something written on the sleeve of the cup.

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