Newtmas - Let Me Love The Lonely

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Oh my God, I haven't written a Glade AU in AGES! Why not?!?!

Well, I realised this the other day and instantly came up with this one-shot idea (which I, personally, love). I really hope you all like it - please tell me your opinions :)

Based on: Let Me Love The Lonely by James Arthur (this song is so beautiful).

3rd Person POV

Newt wiped his bare arm over his sweaty forehead, closing his eyes with tiredness. The heat of the sun was radiating down on him intensely and the boy felt like his skin was melting.

With a disgruntled groan, he slammed the shovel down into the ground again, using all of his strength to push the soil and weeds up. Picking the weeds out of the soil that crumbled in between his grimy fingers, Newt threw them to the side. He mixed the soil around a bit before placing it back and patting it down with the back of the shovel.

The sound of the other Gladers working could be heard behind Newt. There was FryPan already working on tonight's meal, the builders and bricknicks were busy fixing the map room as there was a newly fund hole in the roof and the slicers were over in the Bloodhouse. The runners weren't due back for a few hours yet.

Eventually, the sun began to set, casting a deep orange over their heads. Gladers were finishing their jobs for the day one-by-one. With a happy smile, Newt threw his shovel in the small shed by the gardens and strolled over to FryPan – who was still cooking up the food for everybody.

"Hey, Newt." FryPan greeted the blonde.

Newt nodded his head in a response, leaning forward over the counter and resting his elbows on it, his chin sitting comfortably in his hands.

"What're you cooking?" Newt questioned, trying to get a glimpse into the large pan that the cook guarded.

"Stew." Frypan replied without looking up, stirring the concoction with an old wooden spoon. Newt shuddered, pulling a face but FryPan just smirked. "I'm sure your boyfriend will eat it if you don't."

Newt blushed at the mention of his gorgeous boyfriend, but shook his head. "Well my boyfriend is welcome to it."

FryPan scoffed and shook his head. "Ungrateful." He muttered under his breath.

Newt was about to argue when he was cut off by someone shouting behind him. He spun around as FryPan looked up, both of their gazes going straight towards the still open North Door where the cries had come from.

Squinting his eyes to get a better look, Newt observed the situation. From the distance that he was stood, all he could see was a growing crowd of boys.

Suddenly, somebody was shouting his name. Multiple boys turned to look at Newt, some beckoning him over urgently. Without a second's thought, Newt broke into a sprint, his conversation with FryPan long-forgotten.

Panting lightly, Newt ran towards the crowd of Gladers. As he approached them he could make out the worry painted on each and every single one of their faces. Immediately, Newt's heat began to race.

He pushed through the barrier of boys, his mind deadly focused. When he finally made it to the front, he had a clear view of the problem – and he wished that he didn't.

"No!" a scream escaped Newt's throat as he rushed forwards, careful not to cross the line into the maze, his knees feeling weak.

He shook his head continuously, tears stinging his eyes as he looked out in front of him.

Minho was struggling towards them, pain etched into his face as h dragged a body behind him. The body was deadweight on the concrete floor, blue top being pulled up to reveal tan skin as it fought against the ground. He had ruffled brown hair and faded beige trousers.

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