Newtmas - Forbidden Friendship

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Hey, again! I swear I've never done so many updates in a week XD

Based on: Forbidden Friendship by John Powell (my favourite soundtrack from the movie How To Train Your Dragon).

Special thanks to Lizzielizzie12 this is dedicated to you! ❤ Hope you like it :)

Thomas' POV

I hopped off of the polished countertop and walked over to Brenda, who was busy stirring some unknown concoction in a pan, inhaling the aroma of citrus and spice.

"Smells delicious." I murmured, standing behind the girl.

She smiled, humming in agreement. I wrapped my arms around her slim waist, resting my chin on indent of her shoulder and looked at her whilst she cooked.

Her eyelashes were long, fluttering over her cheekbones whenever she blinked and hiding her beautiful brown eyes that glistened under the bright beams of light that came from the ceiling lights. Her lips were the colour of rose petals - thin and smooth - her cheeks a slightly lighter shade of crimson.


A shrill voice cut through the air, snapping me out of my daydream. "Hmm, yeah?" I asked, taking a step away from Brenda as she turned to look at me.

"Do you mind placing the mats on the table?"

I shook my head silently, turning to set the table whilst she switched off the gas and got two plates out from the cupboard to her side. When the meal was finally served we both sat down to eat in an awkward silence. It wasn't that I didn't like Brenda; I think the problem's more to do with the fact that she likes me too much.

I'd be perfectly fine to be her friend (she's a lovely girl once you get past the defensive front that she puts up) but the world wants us to be more. And I can't do that.

I thought back to what life must have been like back in the 21st Century, when everything was simpler. Back then you could be with who you wanted. You could love whoever you wanted. There were no rules, no restrictions on love, and no worries.

Now it's all changed.

We can't love. Not because it's stopped being an emotion but because it's not allowed. Love became almost like a forbidden disease; it only ever caused bad things – heartache, war and broken families.

I remember my parents teaching me about it. They told me that the Government couldn't cope controlling a world where war was growing more and more likely whilst children were left stuck between broken homes. So they took action.

And made love illegal.

But that was a long, long time ago and people began to forget what love felt like. I've only heard one or two stories about people who found true love but those stories didn't end well.

As children hit the age of 12 they were given a special number (a code) though there was only two of the same code created. Whoever held the identical number as you would become your partner for life.

In theory, this method worked because people could no longer have their heart broken, nor could they therefore have a reason to fight. And most importantly, children were guaranteed a safe home.

Only, I couldn't love Brenda. Not in the way that the world wanted me to.

* * *

I woke up the next day to my alarm blaring through my head. Groaning, I rolled over onto my side and reached out to turn it off.

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