Newtmas by Lizzielizzie12

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So this is a little different; this is a one-shot written by my good friend Lizzielizzie12. I'm publishing this here since she chose to have work of her own shared with you all as her prize for 3rd place in the 2K Prize Draw I held a few months ago. Maybe when I reach 3K Votes, more of you will get a chance to win things like this? If we get that many votes, that it, haha.

Anyways, I really, really like this and think you definitely need to read it! So enjoy!

3rd Person POV

Newt followed Thomas upstairs to the room where all the maps and plans are. They were planning and preparing the attack on WCKD, to stop all the harm and deaths they're causing to innocent people just to find a cure.

The people they're with and their friends were in the other room. They were either talking privately to each other or sleeping on the uncomfortable mattress they managed to find somehow.

Newt wanted to talk privately with Thomas, away from prying ears. So Thomas suggested they go upstairs, where it was more private and they could be alone.

"Do you think it's going to work?" Newt asked, before he walked to the table where all the plans and maps are.

"Maybe, if it all goes to plan. Maybe then we can win this." Thomas replied, walking to the edge of the table.

"I never thought I was going to get out of the maze. And now that I did, I never thought I was going to go back in there again." Newt said, whilst running a hand through his hair.

Thomas sighed, "We need to go back, it's the only way we can stop this. The only way we can get Minho back."

Newt nodded, not daring to look Thomas in the eyes. He's already falling for the boy, he doesn't want to fall harder than he already has.

Newt  grabbed one of the plans from the table, examining it until he spotted something different about it. There's a blue, sticky note on the top of the thick paper, words are written with light blue ink and a stain was visible in some few spots on the small paper. Newt brought the paper closer to him, trying to read what's written on it. Newt couldn't read part of the note, but the part he could read said something about getting Teresa back and reason with her.

Newt dropped the paper and clenched his fist. He didn't know why he was angry that Thomas wanted Teresa back, he knew Thomas has feelings for her. But Newt thought he was getting over her, he thought he was finally getting somewhere with Thomas.

"Why do you want to get Teresa back?" Newt snarled, feeling the anger bubbling inside of him.

"What do you - Newt that's not," Thomas stammered, hesitating for a moment before he took a deep breath and began to speak again. "I thought I could reason with her, make her understand what she's doing is wrong and is hurting people."

Newt nodded slowly, grabbing the sticky note and crumbling it before he threw it away.

Thomas watched as Newt crumbled the note and threw it somewhere else that wasn't near them or even closer to them. Thomas shook his head and sighed, "Newt we can help her, Teresa is our frie-" Newt cut Thomas off before he finished the sentence.

"No she's not, she's your friend not mine." Newt said bitterly, bringing his gaze to Thomas.

Thomas furrowed his brow, he didn't know what to respond. He thought Newt and Teresa got along well, he wasn't expecting Newt to react that way.

Newt felt the anger rise inside of him, he still didn't understand why he felt so angry. He turned his head to face Thomas, he scrunched his nose and felt his fist clenched. He opened his mouth but no words came out, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath and let it out, trying to relax himself and not go all bonkers on Thomas.

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