Dylmas - Give Me Love

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Thank you guys so much for nearly 700 reads and 70 votes, I can't believe it!!! It may not seem like much but it honestly makes my day, every day :)
Based on: Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran <3

Thomas' POV

7 months. 3 days. And 2 hours.

That's how long the Apocalypse has been going on for.

I don't even remember how it started!

All I know is nothing will ever be the same again. Ever since it began, I've been on the run. Normally in a group, although, these past 3 months I've been alone.

It was nearly nightfall. I need to find shelter, somewhere safe where I shouldn't be found by any zombies.

Hopefully . . .

I spotted a tall, abandoned, old block of flats and changed my direction, heading straight to it.

Gripping the iron bar in my hand extra tight, I slowed as I arrived at the smashed in door.

The hallway in front if me was pitch black, stretching out for goodness knows how long.

Quickly reaching into my pocket, I whipped out my trusty flashlight, flicking it on. I shone it down the long corridor in front of me, making sure to keep it on the lowest setting. Zombies were attracted to light, I learnt that over the months.

Cautiously, I stepped one foot into the building. Glancing behind me to make sure that I wasn't being followed, I took another step. I had to go slow because even the slightest noise could alert them.

After a few steps, I stopped, taking a moment to examine my surroundings.

By the looks of it, people have stayed here before, only to leave again once it was safe. I could see old, forgotten blankets and dirty plates scattered around the first room. The same in the second.

I looked ahead and saw an elevator. Going over to it, I soon realised that it was no longer in use. Obviously. We don't have electric.

Next to the elevator was a flight of stairs, leading to the next floor. After deciding that there wasn't anything downstairs, I made my way up to the next floor, again being careful to be quiet.

Shining my light in front of me, I saw the opening to another couple of rooms, just down the hallway. I kept my weapon close as I moved down the hallway, checking in each of the rooms to make sure I was alone.

Each room was the same, items that had been left behind littered the floors.

Suddenly, I heard something. A shuffling sound coming from above me.

I looked up, but there was nothing there. Just the ceiling.

It must be upstairs.

Turning around, I searched for the next flight of stairs. I found them near the others that I had just come up.

Using my flashlight to guide my way, I climbed the stairs. I heard the sound again, it was like somebody, or something was up there, walking about.

Dylmas/Newtmas One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon