Newtmas - Counting Stars

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Yusss! I'm back! And I come baring new Newtmas fluff!

3rd Person POV

Thomas pulled up the car, next to an empty field. It was quiet here, the low rumble of cars on the motorway a distant sound. No sign of people from here, just grass, mud and the odd rabbit.

Newt opened up the car boot, pulling out a couple bags. He placed them down in the field, away from the mud, before going back to grab some more. Thomas helped him, until they had fully emptied the boot. He locked the car and then went to join Newt by their stuff.

They had just graduated from school a few days ago, and everyone was planning to go to a party at Minho's house, but these two had decided to pass, trading it for a weekend camping in the middle of nowhere instead.

This was the first time either of them had gone camping, so they didn't really know what they were doing.

"What are you doing? That doesn't go there!" Newt yelled over at Thomas, who was trying to put a pole down the side of the tent.

"Well if it doesn't go here, then where does it go?" Thomas retorted, taking the pole out, "I've tried it everywhere else and it doesn't fit."

Newt just shrugged his shoulders, "I have no idea. But that just doesn't look right."

Thomas huffed in response, going over to Newt. He stood behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist, pulling him closer. Newt sighed in content as Thomas started kissing up the side of his neck.

"What are you doing, Tommy? We've gotta get this tent up." he argued, but didn't make any attempt to move.

Thomas just smirked, trailing his lips up Newt's jawline, causing the older boy to let out an unexpected moan.

"So hot. Do it again, baby." Thomas mumbled into Newt's ear, causing the other to squirm. Thomas loved the effect that he had on Newt, it was what he lived for.

"T-Tommy . . . " Newt whispered, closing his eyes.

With the tent long forgotten, Newt turned his body around, keeping within Thomas' arms, as he roughly attached their lips together.

"M . . . mmf . . . " Thomas tried to say, but Newt just smirked, making the kiss deeper.

After a few minutes, Newt pulled away hastily. He looked up at the sky and groaned.

"What?" Thomas asked, also no looking to the clouds.

"Rain. It dripped on my head! We haven't got the tent up!" He exclaimed.

Thomas gasped, realising that Newt wasn't lying.

"Ugh! But we don't even know how to do this!" He rushed out as he ran over to the collapsed tent that lied on the ground.

Newt just grunted in response as he went to help Thomas lift the tent up from the now damp ground.

* * *

Two hours later, the boys had eventually managed to get the tent up. It didn't look very sturdy, and it sagged quite a bit in the middle, but it was the best that they could do. Especially since the ground had quickly became very soft and slippery due to the rain.

The rain had now stopped, and they were both sat outside the tent, on a log that they had found nearby. The sky was now black, scattered with bright, shining, silver stars that twinkled every second. It was beautiful.

There was a small, roaring fire in front of the boys, keeping them warm. It was also their only source of light. They were sat against the log chatting about nothing and everything, when Thomas suddenly turned to face Newt.

"-and he was too busy checking her out he fell down the stairs in front of . . . what?" Newt asked, noticing Thomas' intent stare.

"Nothing. I was just admiring your gorgeous face. And the way your eyes are glistening by the fire. It's a truly magical sight."

Newt burst out laughing, lightly hitting Thomas on the arm.

"Stop! You do not suit soppy."

Thomas huffed, crossing his arms in front of him with a cute pout.

"Fine." he spat out, the corners of his mouth lifting up after a few seconds.

"You idiot, there's no need to be so cranky." Newt laughed, pecking Thomas' cheek, which brought a huge grin to his boyfriends face.

Thomas quickly turned his face, stealing Newt's lips with his own. Newt grunted softly, before moving his lips against Thomas'. He swiped his tongue across his bottom lip, until Thomas parted his lips, letting Newt slip his tongue into his mouth. Their tongues fought for dominance, eventually, Thomas giving in to Newt, as their lips danced together. Newt pushed Thomas down, so that his back lay across the log, as he straddled his hips. Not once did they break the kiss. Thomas hastily ran his fingers through Newt's loose hair, tugging roughly at the ends. The feeling caused Newt to moan deeply into Thomas' mouth, stirring something in his stomach as he stroked his hands down his boyfriends sides and onto his hips. He slowly rubbed small circles into his hips with his thumbs, his fingers gripped around him as he moved his mouth from Thomas' lips to his jaw.

Newt placed small kisses down Thomas' jawline, moving down his neck, to his collarbone. He ran his hands up the boys abs, lifting his top up, over his head, as he trailed more kissed down his chest. He made his way down to Thomas' V-Line, which he dragged his tongue across, before teasingly tugging on the hem of his trousers. Thomas couldn't do anything but moan underneath this wild boy, as he stared up at the stars above him.

Newt then lifted his lips off of Thomas' body, moving so that his face hovered above Thomas'. The stars reflected in Thomas' eyes as Newt leant down to capture their lips together, once again. Their lips moved against each others, showing all the love that they had for each other in one simple motion.

* * *

The tent had collapsed by midnight. But it didn't matter.

Thomas and Newt had soon fallen asleep on the log besides the fire, which was still burning bright, heat radiating off of it. Newt had his head buried in Thomas' side, his arm resting over the younger boys chest, whilst Thomas had wrapped his arms tight around Newt's small waist, keeping the boy close by his side.

Their breathing was low, and quiet. Their chests rising up and down in sync.

Thomas' top lay nearby, in a muddy puddle. There was no way Thomas would be able to wear that again!

Luckily, since it was summer, the boys weren't cold sleeping outside. It was actually nice, resting outside, under the stars, bodies pressed together, the fire slowly burning out besides them, leaving behind a warm, golden glow.

The end! I hope it was ok! I really liked the idea but I'm not sure it's written that well :/

Don't forget to Vote and Comment! I appreciate every bit of feedback that you guys give me :)

I also need new people to give me 2 numbers between 1-140 ;) thanks x

Lots of Love, x

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