Newtmas - Lego House

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Here's another One-Shot! I hope they're OK for you lot!

Thomas' POV

I threw the glass, watching as it shattered against the wall. Tiny pieces of glass glided down to the floor, glistening in the sunlight. It was beautiful. Like fairy dust.

I could feel as the anger slowly dispersed from my body. But not enough.

Scrabbling over to the chest of drawer, I smashed my arm down and across it, anything in it's wat getting pushed off. Books, pens, candle holders, and even a vase. All crashing down to the floor. The vase toppling over, cracking down the middle, as water splashed over the carpet.

It was like a giant stress relief. Watching and hearing the objects smash onto the ground, no way back up. They were broken, and no one could fix them. Like me . . .

Only, I still hadn't had enough. There was too much anger, betrayal and guilt pent up inside me. I needed more . . .

So I spun around, ripping the bed covers off with one huge tug. Grabbing pillows and throwing them at the walls until they burst, feathers scattering the room.

I pulled draws out, throwing the contents around the room, not caring where they landed. It felt good to let loose. To forget about the reality and just get lost in the moment.

After I had emptied every draw, I stood up and looked around. The room was a mess. I had wrecked almost everything.

Just as I was going to stop, finally feeling a bit calmer, I saw the mirror.

Walking over to it, I stared into it's reflection. Cold, hard eyes stared back at me, no emotion evident in them. This was his fault. He had done this!

Anger rose up inside of me again, and I growled lowly. My fist clenched, unknowingly, by my side, gradually rising up. And before I knew it, my fist had collided with the mirror.

There was a loud smash as small fragments of glass shattered around me. Flying past me, I could make out my reflection in some.

A few pieces hit my face, leaving behind scratches and shallow cuts. My fist was stinging, blood seeping through my knuckles.

What had I done?

I backed away, horror filling my eyes. My breathing quickened, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Breathes came out deep and fast, my chest rising and falling at a record pace.

Suddenly, my back hit into something.

Something hard, and warm.

Comforting . . .

Arms wrapped around my stomach, holding me close. I felt someone rest their head and on my shoulder, and heard a soft voice whisper into my ear.

"Ssshhh . . . breathe, Tommy, breathe . . . "

I closed my eyes, taking his familiar pine scent. My breathing gradually slowed, becoming quieter and less rapid.

"There. See? You just need to calm down, love." Newt whispered, rubbing my back as he turned me around to face him. I smiled weakly, looking up into his welcoming eyes. He looked down to me, pressing a chaste kiss yo my forehead before giving me a proper hug. I wrapped my arms around his thin body, resting my head in his chest. I could hear his heartbeat through his top. A steady, comforting sound, as I closed my eyes, breathing in sync with each beat.

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