Newtmas - Walking The Wire

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Oh my God guys I'm back! Yay! I missed you all so much <3

I hope you all enjoy this one-shot :)

Based on: Walking The Wire by Imagine Dragons

3rd Person POV

A series of clunks, clacks and bangs echoed through Thomas' head as he tried to stabilise himself, his uneasy body swaying from left to right. His knuckles turned white as his fingers curled around the thin wire mesh surrounding him in a deathly grip. Images, words and voices swam around in his head, his eyes struggling to focus on a sturdy object as whatever he was trapped inside seemed to move at an ever-growing pace. Looking up, Thomas saw a small red light, flashing, tantalising him. But with a sudden panic, Thomas realised that he was moving closer and closer towards this light that looked to be the end of an upright tunnel. A dead-end.

His heart raced, hammering against his weak chest as he frantically searched for something to stop himself from being crushed against the ceiling. Finding nothing, he resorted to the only thing he knew to do at the moment.

"Help!" his voice tore through his throat, sounding worn and scratchy.

Screaming and shouting at the top of his lungs, Thomas eventually crashed down to the cold floor in a heap. Squeezing his eyes shut as he neared the end, he covered his body, wrapped tightly in a ball.


With an abrupt stop, sending Thomas flying across the cage-like box, the nightmare ended.

Blinking his eyes open, Thomas was suddenly greeted with a bright, light-filled landscape, the contrast to the almost pitch black surroundings from only a minute ago hurting his eyes. Looking away, he covered his eyes.

After a short moment, he noticed noises above him – voices – and he felt the all-too-familiar tightness in his chest as he shallowed his breathing.

"How old is he?"

"Looks like a dumb, young klunk."

"You're a dumb young klunk, shuck-face."

"Hope ya enjoyed the ride, shank."

"Ain't no going back now."

The words echoed through Thomas' head, some sounded foreign whilst others were oddly familiar. Slowly opening his eyes, Thomas braced himself for the bright light, shielding himself with his hand.

He couldn't see much at first, his eyes adjusting after being left in the darkness for so long. At first all he could make out were funny shaped shadow figures, all grouped together, merging into one. But as he blinked a few times, rising slightly in his position from the uncomfortable floor, the shadows morphed into people, boys, teenagers. Thomas was confused, he didn't know what he expected, but for some reason a group of young teenage boys was not it.

Before he could register what was happening, the boys were crowding closer to Thomas – who was sat inside what seemed like a box in the ground, causing him to be lower than them all. Laughs and cheers, along with a few crude remarks, could be heard from above as Thomas tried to sit himself up.

Suddenly, there was a bang as a buff-looking boy jumped into the box with Thomas, offering out a hand to him. Taking it with caution, Thomas felt himself get pulled up from the floor, stumbling on his feet. There was a chorus of laughs as he almost fell over, but managed to steady himself.

A sea of emotions rushed through Thomas as he was suddenly yanked up over the edge of the box, an uneasy silence falling over the boys, other than one voice. And Thomas knew he'd never forget the words.

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