Dylmas - Mercy

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Based on: Mercy by OneRepublic

It was also inspired by some of LoverofNewtmas one-shots. Please, check out her stories if you haven't already, they're amazing!
Again, this may be a trigger, so don't read this if it effects you!

Enjoy :)

By the way, this is a Soulmate AU where every mark on your skin is shown up on your soulmate's.

Dylan's POV





The words kept echoing through my head as I held the blade above my wrist.

I'd been bullied every day ever since I came out, about a month ago. I lost all of my friends. People wouldn't come near me anymore. They actually walked on the opposite side of the corridors whenever I walked by! It was like I had some sort of contagious disease!

But so far, it had never gotten this bad. Not so bad that I actually wanted to inflict pain on myself. The bullies did enough of that . . .

But I had to do this. I don't really know why, I just felt drawn to it. I was absolutely certain that it would be able to take away all of my pain, in one cut. I've read about it, people have said so themselves.

So, with music blasting through my headphones, my mind not thinking straight, I lowered the blade.

Cold metal met my skin.

Little red dots started forming around the area that the blade was placed. I pushed it in, channelling all of my anger into it, and slowly, torturously, I dragged it across my wrist . . .

My skin sliced open, but I couldn't feel a thing, as I sat and watched the crimson liquid gather before it slid down my pale arm, dripping onto the carpet.

There wasn't loads of blood, not really. After a few minutes, it had dried up, leaving behind an open wound that would surely turn into a scar. And for some reason, I liked the idea of having a scar. It was like a permanent tattoo, forever there to remind me of what a failure I am.

So, without even realising what I was doing, I picked up the blade again and went to place it back on my pale skin. However, just as I was pressing down for the second time that night, I noticed something.

Quickly removing the blade, leaving behind a very shallow cut, I watched intently as a black heart formed underneath my first cut.

Confused, I stared at it for a while, until something else started to show up, swirled in flawless handwriting under the heart.

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