Newtmas - Kids

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Here's to number 53! *clinks glass of champagne with anybody who wishes to join me in my mini celebration*

Okay, so, this is IMPORTANT in order to understand this one-shot! This is basically set when everyone was younger (throughout the time period of The Fever Code). However, I have altered a few of the events to fit better :)

Enjoy! x

Based on: Kids by OneRepublic

Thomas' POV

The doctor pulled the sterilised needle out of my arm, replacing it with a ball of soft cotton and a plaster. He strained a smile at me, patting my back awkwardly, silently telling me to move.

I obeyed, jumping off of the hospital bed, straightening my top as I waited to be told to leave. As the doctor carefully recorded my bloods and whatever else he'd taken from me, I observed my surroundings, spinning in a small, slow circle. I was more than familiar with the straight, blue curtains that blocked unwanted eyes from us, the silver trays with row after row of injection tubes, the sterilising kit and the bed that stood centre stage, enticing its unlucky patients over.

I shuddered, glancing over at the doctor. He was just finished wiping down the surface of the next tray, shoving the wipe in the small bin to his right. I waited patiently, knowing not to rush them.

Not after what happened last time.

Finally, the man in white looked up, and with an exasperated sigh he pulled open the curtain, pushing me out. "Go on, get lost, kid."

I rolled my eyes, expecting no less as I walked towards the large double doors at the end of the room. There were a few more beds, each with the same set-up, dotted around the edge of the room. The curtains were all pulled back, revealing the empty trays – all but one.

Just by the door, in the far left corner, the curtains had been pulled closed. I frowned, normally this would be normal, but I knew that today I was supposed to be the only one in; everyone else came yesterday but I was ill. Apparently too ill to have my injections, at least.

Slowly, I walked up to the curtains, glancing around the room to make sure that I wasn't being watched. The doctor from earlier had pulled the curtains closed again, probably sorting out my results.

As I approached the curtains, I could hear a soft whimpering. Slowing my walk to a tip-toe, I listened. It sounded like a kid.

I have to see who's behind that curtain. I couldn't remember the last time an urge had struck me so powerfully.

Walking to a small opening where the two curtains met, I leaned closer, peeping through the gap.

Inside sat a boy, probably a bit older than me, his head bent to his lap, blonde hair covering his face. His shoulders were shaking slightly, barely noticeable, as he held tightly on to his upper arm. There was nobody else with him.

I moved my hand to open the curtains just enough to let me slip through. As I did, the stranger looked up, jumping when he saw me.

"Wh-Who are you?" he stuttered, his arm shooting up to wipe at his eyes. His pale cheeks flushed pink.

"I heard you, so, I thought I'd come to see if you were okay." I admitted, realising how stupid and creepy I sounded.

The boy frowned at me, moving his arm, that he'd previously been holding, out of my view. "I'm fine."

"You didn't sound fine."

As I said that, the blonde looked down, sniffling slightly. I sighed gently, stepping over to him. Checking that he didn't flinch away, I lifted myself up onto the bed to sit next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

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