Newtmas - How You Remind Me

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Okay, so this isn't really Newtmas...well, it is in a way. Just read it and you'll understand what I mean XD

*Warning* quite angsty/triggering? (Maybe, I'll just say so to be safe).

Welp...I warned y'all *shrugs*

Based on: How You Remind Me by Nickelback. I love this song so much and I was just listening to it and I came up with this idea.

3rd Person POV

Newt bent his head, tapping away at the computer keys. He kept his eyes focused on the bright screen, being careful not to catch anybody's attention. That was the last thing he needed.

Everything was going to plan until Newt's closest friend entered the building, announcing his arrival proudly. Newt groaned under his breath, wishing that he could slouch down even further in his chair but he knew that if he tried he would surely fall off. Despite how hard Newt tried to keep out of his friend's sight, his efforts were pointless as the other man came striding over to him with a wide smile on his face.

"Newt!" Minho exclaimed, opening his arms excitedly. But as Newt cautiously glanced up at him, swivelling in his office chair, the smile that was painted on his lips melted away and was replaced by a deep frown. "Newt?"

Newt looked down to the floor, trying his best to cover his face with his dirty blonde hair, but it was to no avail. Minho crouched down to Newt's level and lifted the Brit's chin up to meet his eyes. Newt blushed, feeling ashamed as Minho's eyes inspected his face.

"What's this?" Minho whispered, his fingers trailing over Newt's face.

Newt winced under his touch.

"'s nothing."Newt mumbled, facing away from Minho.

"It's not nothing, Newt!" Minho said, his voice raising. A few people from across the office looked over and Minho mentally cursed himself, smiling at them before turning back to Newt.

Newt looked down, playing with his fingers that rested on his lap. He could feel the warm tears building up and he slowed his breathing whilst he tried to force them down. He couldn't start crying – not here.

"Newt..." Minho muttered, sitting cross-legged on the carpet beside Newt's chair. "Newt, what happened?"

Newt shook his head, refusing to talk about the previous night's events.

"Goddammit, Newt, just tell me! Was it that shank again?" Minho questioned, his voice getting louder although he was careful not to catch anyone's attention this time. "I swear to God if it was he-"

"Stop it!" Newt interrupted, whipping his head in Minho's direction, "He didn't mean to. He just had a bad day..."

Minho scoffed, but he wasn't fully listening Newt anymore. His brows knitted closer together as he observed the multitude of hues on Newt's face, colours that shouldn't be on someone's skin. There were garish purple splotches, roughly the size of a fist, while others were more greyish though they looked just as bad. Dark green patches complimented the purple of his face, with an almost yellowish edge to them. And then there was the blueish black that lay underneath his left eye, like a shadow. It was horrible.

"H-He didn't mean to, I swear it!" Newt rambled, though Minho could see the fear that swam in his lifeless brown eyes.

"I know..." Minho whispered, cupping the side of Newt's face, being careful to avoid the bruises. He didn't believe Newt – not for one minute - but he couldn't say so otherwise Newt would freak out. It hurt to lie to his best friend, to act like nothing was wrong, but Minho thought that this was the most that he could do. At least he was there for Newt.

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