Dylmas - Landslide

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OH MY GOD SECOND ONE-SHOT IN ONE DAY!!! Well, technically it's just passed midnight over here now but I haven't slept yet so it doesn't count!

Requested by @Lizzielizzie12 and friend. I really hope this is okay for you guys! ❤

Based on: Landslide by Oh Wonder (really cute, chill song)

3rd Person POV

"Right, everybody, that's a wrap!" Wes shouted, waving his hands around to get everyone's attention.

Roars of happiness, claps and catcalls echoed through the large hall filled with the whole cast, crew and extras. Everybody wore wide smiles, patting each other on the backs and offering out hugs. It was a momentous moment.

As the camera crew began to shut off their cameras and pack away their equipment and the set designers tidied away the props and green screens, the cast gathered around in a crowd, all applauding each other. After weeks of hard work and dedication, the film was finally done. Now all that was left to do was piece together the shots and promote the movie to the world.

"Well done guys, I'm proud of you all!" Kaya exclaimed, jumping up and down like an excited child.

Thomas chuckled, shaking his head at his friend. Across the crowd, Dylan laughed too, and as he looked up he caught Thomas' gaze. The handsome blonde was staring over at him – not so subtly – his hazel coloured eyes trailing over the younger's toned body that was hidden underneath his clothes. Dylan blushed, his face heating up, as he pulled his eyes from Thomas' stare, glancing down at his mucky shoes.

Ki Hong stood beside Thomas, and noticed Dylan's obvious discomfort (or possibly embarrassment, he wasn't sure). "Hey, man, are you alright?" he asked, unaware of the cause of Dylan's reaction, as he walked over to his friend. Dylan just nodded, smiling up at Ki Hong.

Ki Hong didn't look like he believed Dylan for a second, but let it drop, walking back over to join Thomas – who was now joking around with Dexter and Will. Dylan watched as the blonde laughed, throwing his head back as the melodic sound escaped his throat. His eyes sparkled, his teeth on full show. He was gorgeous.

Groaning, Dylan shook his head, looking to the ground. He shouldn't be thinking of Thomas like this. He shouldn't.

Keeping his head down, Dylan slipped unnoticed through the rowdy crowd of mates, rushing out of the hall and down the empty corridor until he reached a quiet spot that he knew nobody would come across. Sighing, blinking his eyes, Dylan leant his back against the wall, throwing his head against it – not caring for the small amount of pain that shot through his skull at the impact of the hit. He groaned in annoyance, his hands going up to his face to cover his watery eyes as he felt his mood deflate. Dragging his hands down his face, Dylan slid down the wall, his knees giving way to his weight. He collapsed to the floor, his knees pressed against his chest, as the tears began to fall.

He was pathetic.

Crying over a stupid crush. His shoulders began to shake as the hot tear rolled down his face, his eyes stinging. He sniffled, his nose beginning to run and wiped it with the back of his hand.

It had all started when they began to film The Maze Runner. Dylan had found Thomas so attractive – but not just through his looks. No, Dylan was captivated by Thomas' pure, innocent yet adorably sassy personality. He had fallen for the blonde within the first week, even though he knew it was wrong, even though he had a girlfriend.

Luckily, Dylan wasn't the sort to lead people on and so he soon broke up with Britt (although he obviously didn't give her a proper explanation). Unfortunately, Dylan was not the sort to admit his feelings to those that he liked and so Thomas remained unaware of his feelings.

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