~ Chapter 1 ; The Buttons ~

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Date: ???
Time: 3am
Place: ???

Cold... c-cold... I think. I turn over on to my back and open my eyes. I was curled up in a ball, on a cold marble floor. No wonder it's cold.

Dazed, I sit up and blow white blonde hair out my eyes.
Why is everything so foggy?

Suddenly, everything comes into sharp focus and I recoil.
I'm in some sort of throne room... columns on either side and thirteen huge thrones in front. It- it gives off a vibe of power.

Slowly, I get up to my feet and make my way to a metal box in the center of the semi-circle.
'Olympus...' the word pops into my head and my eyes widen.
This is Olympus! But- how!? This place is supposed to be in the world of Percy Jackson and-
Have I somehow entered the book!?


But... how? I remember darkness... And then waking up here... hey what HAPPENED TO MY MEMORIES OF MY REAL LIFE!? WHAT WAS I DOING?

I take a deep breath, trying to calm down, and I look at the box. There are eight buttons set in the top with descriptions set below.

I blink. I get a chance to enter the PJO world? Meet the characters!?
"No. Way," I say out loud.

I take a few deep breaths. Okay, if that's the case, then I have to choose the right button. I read each of them carefully, determining the results they might have, then narrow it down to the yellow and red button.
Well that was a quick presumption. Ah well.

'You get to live in the fandom but your favorite character hates you.'
Who is my favorite character? Either Luke or Nico. But it depends on when I'll enter. Perhaps if Luke would be alive...

'You live in the world of your fandom but you are killed halfway through.'
Hmm... the yellow one is really uncertain. When is halfway? And would I be able to rebirth? If so, to which world?

I decide on the red button. After much thought. Or not. For now, it seems like the best choice.

Will this work? I mean... it's so unreal... but I feel real. I can see all this. I can think. Well, it's all or nothing...
Nothing to loose...

You know, maybe I should-

I hold out a pale hand, and press it, just as I hear footsteps behind me.

Author's / Note
Thank you for reading~
So this here is a Work In Progress, and things might seem a bit broken and incomplete at first, but just hold on ~


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