// Chapter 47 ; Hell \\

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Date: July 6
Time: 2pm
Place: Outside McDonald's

By the time we were done with gift shopping, and clothes shopping for Turner, we were all hungry. And by the time we were done with lunch, it was already 2pm.

I follow Turner outside and speed up a bit to walk alongside him and Khristine. Lagging behind has become very third-wheelerish.

"So, we haven't been attacked by monsters yet," I say conversationally.

"Oh, true..." says Turner.

Khristine peculiarly stays silent.
Turner looks at her. "You okay?"

"Hmm?" She says distractedly.

"Umm... never mind."

Khristine blinks. "Yeah, I heard what you said. But, normally, when I say something bad hasn't happened, it happens."

I raise an eyebrow. "Like?"

"Like... Oh wait, let me try the opposite! Monsters are going to attack us now," she says dully.

Turner starts. "What!? Where? Why would you say that?"

Khristine rolls her eyes. "I'm kidding. We're fine." She suddenly stops in her tracks. "Oh shit, I said it..."

Right then, I spot a hellhound out of the corner of my eye. "Duck!" I shout.

I push the two to the ground and crouch just as the hellhound pounces and leaps over our heads.

Turner stumbles up to his feet and holds his dagger out. The hellhound jumps at him. Turner slashes at it with his dagger, but he only manages to shove it away.

Khristine gets up as well, and before I can do anything, the hellhound attacks her too.

But before it can bite her, she quickly stabs it in the heart and it disintegrates into dust.
Another hound appears. Khristine glares at it with her piercing blue eyes. They seem darker than before.
The hellhound charges and she throws her dagger.
Despite it being like ten meters away, it hits it right in the throat.

Turner runs up to her.
"We need to hide!" He yells.

I hear more howls.
Turner grabs Khristine's hand and we run towards a telephone booth with me in the lead.
I run inside with Turner behind me.

Khristine suddenly closes the door from the outside and somehow climbs up to the roof.

"Hey!" I shout. "What are you doing!?"

"We can't just stay holed up in there! Someone needs to kill them!" She says through the roof.

I can't see above me so I fearfully watch three hellhound running in our direction.
Suddenly, an arrow sprouts from one's head.
Another in one's throat.
The third one disintegrates into dust as well, and I see a dagger flying through where it was and heading somewhere above me like a boomerang.

Turner was glued to the glass, his mouth wide open.
"Best. Visual. Horror. Movie. Ever," he breathes. "Just needs more action."

Khristine jumps down and Turner runs out of the booth.

"That was great!" I hear him say.

Khristine silently looks around while I walk up to Turner.
She then looks at the bags in his hand.

"You kept the shopping bags?" She asks disbelievingly.

"Of course I did!" Turner exclaims. "We spent like three hundred dollars!"

I chuckle. "I guess Aphrodite kids would be good for that. When in danger, they won't abandon your shopping."

Khristine smiles while Turner frowns.

"So, I guess we're done here," says Khristine. "Let's head back."

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