~ Chapter 42 ; HALT ~

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I walk off. The entire camp is now really dark and everyone's heading to the beach in groups or pairs to watch the fireworks. I safely make my way past the crowd and look back to see if I can still see Turner. Nope.

Suddenly, I bump into someone and I fall forwards onto that person. Instantly I can tell it's someone tall and it's a boy (don't ask how. Do not). I quickly roll off and get up to my feet in case Turner were nearby and he started another ship, because it was extremely awkward.

"I'm so sorry about that," I say quickly, helping the dazed person up. "I wasn't paying attention-"

"Why don't you pay attention to where you're going!?" He snaps. I recognize the voice as one I've rarely heard; Joey's. One of the Sleepy Sixteen, the guy who used to be in Nico's group. I can't see him because of the darkness though.

"I just said I wasn't," I reply slightly angrily.

"Well no shit!"

I roll my eyes, aware he wouldn't be able to see me. I then turn around and continue walking towards the cabins.

"Hey, the beach is that way!" He shouts towards me.

I look over over my shoulder. "I know that!"

"Aren't you going!?"

I stop walking and turn around. "Does it look like I am!?"

Joey stays silent for a while. "Not really."
He seems to have cooled down rather quickly. "But why would you miss it? It only happens once a year."


"So... you might not get to see them next year..."

"I can live with that." I resume walking again and I soon reach the Hermes cabin.
Joey's probably still talking. Or he might have gotten the hint that I'm the kind of person who normally doesn't talk to people they accidentally knock down then get treated rudely to. Or maybe not.


Date: July 5
Time: That time when the sun is out and people have breakfast.
Place: Mess Hall / Dining Pavilion / FINALLY, FOOD.

I stare blankly at my blank plate. I've been doing that for a while now. Normally, I'd be done eating and be off to wherever I had or wanted to be, but I don't feel like doing anything today.

I sigh and look around a bit, to check if anyone was staring at me as if I were crazy.
Nope. All the campers seem to find food more interesting than me. I don't blame them. Food is tough competition.

I look back down at my plate when my mind suddenly alerts me about something. I frown, trying to communicate with my mind and I suddenly remember I saw a tall guy with brown hair and black eyes sitting a few seats away.

I roll my eyes at my own assumptions and quickly look towards my left. Yeah, it's Joey alright.
I change my mind. I'm gonna go now.

I get up, hoping he hadn't noticed me. I casually leave the pavilion, when someone suddenly taps me on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Walton.

"You okay?" He asks. "I saw you frowning and... rolling your eyes at your plate..."

I shrug. "I was just thinking."
Out of the corner of my eye, I distinctly see Turner smirking at me from the Aphrodite table. I also happen to spot Katie staring at him.

I laugh internally and divert my attention back to Walton.

"Oh. Okay," he says brightly.

I then notice Joey walking over to us.

I sob internally. What does he want?

"So, are you done eating?" I ask Walton, hoping he'd leave. Not that I want to shoo him away. I want to shoo. If that makes sense.

"Yeah, I was heading to the armoury to polish my sword. Wanna come?"

I face palm my dirty mind (internally, of course).
Turner would probably say that would be romantic. Polishing our deadly weapons together, I mean. Not... never mind.

"Umm I have to take care of something first, sorry..."

"That's fine. Where are you headed then?"

"Arena," I say randomly.

"Oh, hey, how about we train together? I won't take long in the armoury, how about I meet you there when you're done?"

"Sure, why not?" I say brightly. Well I'm bright with nervousness. I doubt that makes sense...

"Alright. See you then," Walton smiles and walks off.

I quickly return to heading aimlessly away from the pavilion, hoping Joey hasn't already caught up to me. I so do not want to talk to him now.

Right then, I see him.
But he passes me. Heading in the same direction as Walton.
I sigh in relief.

I am not scared of him or whatever, if that's what you think.

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