)) 85 Arthur ((

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Lmao I last wrote this in April

26th July, 1992

If you like shopping and movies, wait till you hear Arthur's story-

Mrs. Proy was a very illucked person. Every man in her life left or died. She got married like four times by the time she had Arthur. Well she wasn't married when she met Hades. She got married again after he was a year old.

Anyway, Arthur lived in a flat on the top of a big mall. It was a very expensive and posh flat, and as was the mall. But he rarely went down there. He didn't like people. Like his dad. Arthur got his dad's pitch black eyes and his mom's golden hair.

26th July, 1997

His mom introduced him to her seventh fiancé on his birthday. Arthur never minded the change of fathers. They were never great fathers. They always kept his mom busy in their room doing who knows what. But that helped Arthur learn to take care of himself and be independent.

If you're wondering about an empty flat at that mall, there was one. Under the cinema on the lowest floor. You could hear nearly everything baove, so no one occupied it.

On that same day, his mom went out to plan the wdding. Meanwhile, Arthur ecided to go buy some popcorn and sit at the ciname. Did I say his mom owned the mall? They were really rich and famous. When he was done with the movie, he went back up the 15 floors to find the flat unlocked. And inside he saw... his future dad... shooting his mom...

Before he was seen, he ran back down, screaming. Once everyone was alarmed and the police were on their way up, he went to hide under the cinema. They were showing Titanic again in the same hall he was in. He could tell because the sound came down to the bedroom he was crying in.

18th March, 2011

He continued living there, and no one knew. The polive gave him the money they found in his mom's safe and gave him the information to her nbank account. Well after he turned ten- the captain of his mom's investigation bumped into him at the clothes shop and called him to the staion. He was given some money and his mom's necklace. It was a diamond cube necklace.

Arthur lived on that. But one day, he was found. No one cared about the flat and though the mall should be his (it was given to his aunt along with the top flat) he waws kicked out. He could return and claim the ownership in July, after he turned 19 (his mom had set that age). But since he wasn't, he was considered a property stealer (he had no permission to stay there) so...

He had to spend a few hours on the streets until Nico found him.

Godly Parent: Hades

Button: Yellow

Death indicator: A shard of purple metal

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