~ Chapter 40 ; Reason to Live ~

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Date: July 4
Time: 6pm
Place: Hermes cabin

I stare outside the window, focusing on nothing in particular. It's pretty dark outside, but despite the dark atmosphere in the nearly empty Hermes cabin, there's a party vibe outside. It's the fourth of July, man, there's an entire carnival set up outside, with rides and all and everyone's looking forward to the fireworks later on.

Me? I'm just gonna sit here.
I hear laughter come from behind me and I turn around to see Alexandra talking with Ash. Well, I think it's Alexandra. She also has blonde hair and blue eyes, (like why? That cliché combination, I mean-) and the other girl who does too is Emily. Emily's hair is very straight and Alexandra's is very curly. No, that has nothing to do with their sexuality.

Who am I kidding, I know it's Alexandra because that's what Ash just called her.

I turn back to the window and continue air gazing.
Funnily enough, I'm wearing a pink top which has 'I'm boreeeed' written on it. Guys may take that the wrong way, but...

"Hey, Khristine, what are you doing here?"

Someone's talking, right?

I turn around again to see Connor.
"It's the fourth of July and there's a carnival outside, why are you just sitting here?" He asks.

I shrug. "No clue."

Travis walks over. "Your shirt says you're bored. While there's a carnival outside."
I'm just gonna say that the words are written right on my chest.
Not that it's important.

"I know."

"I was just going there, you can come along," Travis says.

"Nah, I'll go with Ash." I smile.

Travis nods and leaves.
Connor chuckles and follows him.

Wait, I thought Travis was going alone... ah well.

Someone sneaks up to me.
"Oh my Gods!" he screams in my ear.

I wince. It was Turner.
"Hey, Turner. Didn't know you were here."

"I was just looking for you. You don't get surprised easily," he states.
He cuts me off before I can say anything. "Did Travis just ask you out?"

I frown. "I don't know."

"What we're his exact words!?" He practically screams.

"Umm he said he was going to the carnival and if I wanted to go."

Turner takes a deep breath. "Was he going alone?"

"Well Connor was with him but he didn't say 'we'-"

"You idiot! It was a date!"

I roll my eyes. "I couldn't tell, but, so?"

Turner crosses his arms. "What do you mean so?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Oh, come, on! You're going to be the first among us to get a boyfriend."

"No thanks," I say simply.

"Yes. Now let's go."

I raise an eyebrow. "Where?"

"To find your man."

I sigh. "Firstly, I'm asexual, secondly, either that or I'm demi sexual."

"Ooh, a demi sexual demi God. But no man, I see love in your eyes. There is someone in your heart."

"This is a stupid conversation, but replace that is to was."

Turner gasps. "Who?"

I bite my lip. I've really never told anyone. All Gabe knows is that I just had a stupid fictional crush. But... Well the shipping side of Turner tends to forget things, so...
"If it's possible to fall in love with someone nonexistent whom you never met, then, Nico," I say dully.
It's annoying how this is coming up a lot. I don't care anymore. STAHPIT

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