» Chapter 33 ; Walton »

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Khristine was definitely bored, because apparently she doesn't have anything better to do than follow me.

"Where are we going?" She asks curiously.

To be honest, I don't even know myself. Maybe the Mess Hall?
"I bet our other groupies are bored too, so let's go find them and... be friends."
People like food, right?

"Oh. Who are our groupies?"

"Ummm there's Emily, Walton, Arthur and you."

"Me. The odd one out." She sighs.

"Hey, don't-"

"I wonder why... everyone's ages matched with their arrival dates, but I'm not nineteen."

That's true. She didn't sound self pitiful, she merely seemed amused by bit...
"How do you know that? The others didn't know their ages..."

"I just got a feeling. I am definitely not an adult."

"Alright... it could be you're just an ordinary camper and not-"

"Like them. Yeah, the odd one out."

"Well... but you fainted like them. The date might just be a mix up."
But there has to be a reason behind it. She's probably thinking the same thing.

"Maybe..." she says distractedly.

"So, do you know where your groupies might be?"

"Besides Nico? Yep. There's one up there." Khristine points towards the Zeus Cabin.

I don't see anything there, but after a moment I spot someone looking over the edge.

"It's Walton. I think he's trying to challenge himself or something."

"How do you know?" I ask her.

"Random guess."

"Wait, chal- he's going to jump!?"
I run towards the Zeus Cabin and frantically start climbing the outside ladder at the back, which is much rougher and riskier.

Khristine calmly walks up to the side, right where Walton would land.
"Walton! Jump! I'll catch you!"

I reach the top and hear his reply.
"I can't tell if you're joking, you know! That's cute, but, NO WAY IN HELL AM I JUMPING! I'm looking for something!"

I sigh in relief. I walk over to Walton and pull him away from the ledge.
"Can't you ask Jason? What is it?"

Walton shakes his head. "It's probably gone. Why were you looking for me?"

"We were coming to kill you!" Khristine shouts up.

"We're having a friendly group meeting," I tell him at the same time.

"Oh. Well, I saw Emily talking with Leo and Calypso near the lake..." he says.

Who's Calypso again? Erm the immortal nymph goddess? Leo's girlfriend. I still can't believe he scored a goddess. Apparently he was her hero. I haven't heard the full story yet. All I know is that he disappeared when Gaea did and he appeared a month later... with Calypso.

"...And Arthur's somewhere in the forest."


"No, of course not. He was looking for something too, with Turner from Percy's group."

"Ugh the Stolls probably nicked random stuff again."

"I don't think so..." Walton says hesitantly.

"Then what were you looking for?"

"Oh, just something I saw and followed."

I wonder what that something is...

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