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Date: February 3rd, 1998

The Romanovs were an average family. Average apartment, average neighbours, average richness, etc. Except for the fact that Mrs. Romanov had been married twice and that her only child, being born today, has a GOD for a father.


The mother was lucky that she got married after the bar incident... Yes, they met in a bar. No, that is not cliche.

They had a girl with brown hair and her eyes... they changed colour from dark green to Brown.

So... what am I doing here, exploring their posh flat instead of the hospital?

I don't know where it is... since we're in Virginia right now.

November 14th, 1998

Clara was now five and you know what the highlight of her life is? TV. As a result, she was already a rather wordy and witty kid. With a side of sass. Who knows what shows she watched...

She also loved photography. On her fifth birthday, she had got a small camera. She was rather skilled at it and she knew all this interesting angles and views.

Today she would get a new thing to fan over. Right when...

The doorbell rang. Clara's stepfather came in. And behind him was- a dirty kitten.
Clara slowly walked out of the living room and she stared at the cat.

"It was being treated terribly at the shop," said her stepfather. "I saw it tucked away in a cage in the corner. I know it's not a parrot, but look at it! It's a beautiful caramel colour- and it's quieter than a parrot!"

Clara mainly wanted a parrot because that's what she could think of. But, now that she saw it, She liked the cat better.

He grinned. "Hopefully your mom won't complain either. But what will you call it?"


March 13, 2011

Mrs. Romanov frantically ran around Clara's room, grabbing clothes and necessities. It was becoming dangerous here. The guards had already sighted shady figures thrice, and those were no humans.

When Clara returned from school, her mom gave her her suitcase.
"Remember how I once said you'd have to go to a camp? Today is the day. No more homework for you."

Clara had been prepared. Emotionally. But not that much.
She had shed a few tears on the way back to the car.

She had her cat with her though. And her camera. Sadly, she was closer to them than her mom. But with both those things, Clara was ready to leave.

She was dropped off in front of a drug store. And that's where Leo found her. As for the cat? That's what she'd wonder about upon waking up.

Godly Parent: Hermes
Button: Red
Favourite character: Leo Valdez

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