~ Chapter 9 ; The Table ~

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After ten minutes or so we were sitting around a ping pong table. I sit at one end and Chiron at the other. Around ten of my fellow new campers had to stand in the corners.

Good Gods why did I pick this exposed seat...

I purse my lips and scan the table. Two new campers are on my left and two on the right. Then came the counsellors. Jason, Leo, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Will, the Stoll brothers, Katie, Clarisse, Clovis, the Dionysus counsellor along with Dionysus himself. The Romans were here too. Reyna, then Frank, Hazel and Dakota... why I don't know. Nico is sitting next to Will and he glares hatefuly at me. Ah well.

Then, I notice he isn't the only one. Percy, Jason, Leo and a few others were scowling and glaring at different newcomers each. Apparently I wasn't the only one who chose the red button. Someone had probably chosen the pink button because I see Leo wink at her.
I know, I assume a lot, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.

After everyone settles, Chiron looks at me. "So, you were saying something of a prophecy?"

I shrug half heartedly. "There may be another." There should be a bigger reason as to why we were brought here. It can't be just because Zeus or whoever wanted our dreams to come true. Lest this is a dream... nah. Hopefully.

"Alright. So would you like me to repeat what happened after you all fainted?"

The fifteen of us nod.
"Well, the first of you, who I presume is the youngest," he gestures at a girl of around seven years of age. "She was found near the lake on the seventh of March. You all apparently came on the date representing your age and lost consciousness a few minutes upon your arrivals. Today was the first time you all woke up."

The Hypnos counsellor shakes his head, snapping out of his light sleep then speaks up, "did any of you see any special dreams, or probably a message from the gods?"

We all shake our heads. Nico scowls at me as if it was my fault. Chiron notices and scans the table.

"A few of you don't seem to like a few of our new campers. Any reason?" He asks, looking pointedly at Percy and Leo. They were meant to be the most social and friendly ones. I think. Yeah.

Leo shrugs. "A few... I just don't like," he says, sticking his tongue out rudely at a girl sitting next to me. She looks down sadly, as if she expected it.

Chiron shakes his head in disapproval. "We can't have that now. Creates an unhealthy environment. But this isn't like you all..." he says suspiciously.

Well go sue the buttons.

Whoopee they're gonna be rich...

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