~ Chapter 55 ; Le Beach ~

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Date: August 18
Time: 5pm
Place: The Beach

Ash's birthday looked awesome. It was in the mess hall. The main theme was black and purple with silver touches. She loved it.
Cleaning up was harder. So much glitter was thrown around... Mainly because of me- I suddenly went crazy and started 'blessing' everyone with glitter...

Today is Percy's birthday. The theme was aqua and grey. We had hung blue streamers on the trees around the beach and there's a buffet table with blue food. We also had a memorial on one side, for all the people that died a year ago. Like Luke... Ethan... Silena... ugh feels.

I stand near the bright water and watch all the campers swim around. I could see Anna and Percy playing tag underwater. The water was that clear. Well Anna thought it was tag but I could see Percy cursing with a murderous look. But I'm sure he's having fun.

I don't feel like getting wet. But just in case someone did a prank, I wore sandals strapped to my foot with light blue shorts and my orange camp t-shirt. I had twisted my long pale hair and pulled it over one shoulder so that it wouldn't fly around much in the wind.

Arthur runs up to me with a smile on his face. "Why are you just sitting here? Come on, even I'm having a great time in the water!"
His black shirt and blue shorts were drenched and his blonde hair hung damp. His normally dull black eyes however, now shone with excitement.

"Nah, I'm good here," I say dismissively.

Arthur frowns and suddenly grabs my hand. "That's what you think." He starts pulling me to the water.

"Hey- no!" I pull back. I may not seem strong, but I am.

Arthur struggles. "Hey, Turner! Help!" He shouts.

Turner was flirting with Butch nearby. Upon noticing me, he shoots me an evil smile and runs over.
"Can't you swim?"

"I can, but-"

Turner abruptly shoves me from behind and I my feet splash into the water. Arthur tugs again and the water comes up to my knees.

"Stop, that's enough! You'll ruin my shorts!"

"Fuck shorts," Turner says cheekily.

I roll my eyes when he pushes me again and I fall on top of Arthur. I struggle and get up to my knees. Now I'm completely wet.

Chuckling, Turner runs off. Arthur emerges from the water, gasping and I quickly stand up as a wave approaches and washes over Arthur's head. He scrambles up to his feet, coughing.

"You had it coming," I say innocently.

Arthur takes a deep breath. "It was worth it. Now come on, deeper!"

Well. Why the hell not?
I sigh defeatedly and we walk towards the larger waves. "If I die, it's your fault," I say.

"You won't," Arthur says confidently.

Someone suddenly pulls Arthur down. I quickly grab him before he goes completely under, and Emily emerges, laughing.

Arthur glares at her. "Stop doing that!"

"I thought you would've learned after the first three times," she says between laughs.

Arthur huffs angrily. He crouches and brings up a handful of sandy mud. Emily's eyes widen and he throws it at her face. Her straight blonde hair gets splattered with brown mud and seashells. She lets out a curse before swimming off.

Arthur then turns to me.

"Don't you dare." I narrow my eyes, backing away from him.

He smirks and brings up another handful of mud.

I duck as he swiftly throws it. It hits Clara and I hear a shout as I make a mud ball of my own. I throw it hard at his chest and he stumbles backwards.

He gasps and gets ready to throw another mudball at me. But Ash beats him to it.

In a few minutes, everyone had joined in.

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