~ Chapter 52 ; Ships ~

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Dedicated to garnetgirl03 who has been reading by story since the start and has been keeping up. She's like my only constant reader as of 2016

Date: 27th July
Time: 9am
Place: Near the Volleyball Court

I snatch the binoculars away from Turner. Looking through them, I get a close up view of a brown haired girl with deep green eyes.
Clara carefully loads her paint gun and takes aim. I follow her gaze to see she's targeting Butch.
The big guy is looking around for someone, oblivious to her.

Turner shoves me.
"Give it! Butch is gonna leave!" He whines.

I shove him back, and he nearly falls out of our bush.
"Where Butch goes, Clara follows. She's going to do something."

Clara slowly sneaks up to Butch and shoots a ton of different coloured paint at his back.
The force nearly knocks him over, and Clara runs off.

Butch looks around and I can see the rainbow paint splattered on the back of his green shirt.
"This was my favourite shirt!" He shouts.

Turner looks extremely shocked.
"How dare she!?"

I frown. "I think she was trying to spread the news that he's gay."

"How'd you know?"

"Rainbow is equal to LGBT."

Turner thinks for a second. "Makes sense. Wait, Butch is gay?"

"Hmmm... let me go check..." I smirk and casually get out from the thin bush and walk to Butch.

"Are you okay?" I ask in a concerned voice. It's kinda fake but it's kinda not. My plan is to the to flirt and see if he responds but how the fuck do you flirt?

Butch nods. "Did you see who did that?"

"Yeah, just some camper."

"Who?" He demands.

Well. No straight guy would be downright rude with me like that without seeing me properly. Yes, I am being modest. I rock this bod.
"Just someone."

Butch huffs but doesn't shout anymore.
"I'm Butch. Son of Iris." He holds a hand out.

Whoo looks like it's time to shake hands and exchange greetings along with germs.
I politely shake his hand. "I'm Khristine, daughter of someone."

Butch smiles.

"So, you're gay?" I suddenly ask after lowering my hand.

I swear I can hear someone crying 'YOU CAN'T JUST ASK SOMEONE IF THEY'RE GAY' in my mind.
Unless Turner has telekinesis, it's somebody in my head.

Butch swallows. "What makes you think that?" He asks nervously.

Well woot look who's bi.
"Just guessed," I say innocently.

"Oh um well kinda..."

Hahaha. Haha. Hahaha. Ha. Yep. Bisexual.
Yes, yes I did laugh sarcastically in my mind. Sue me, you owe $1,000.

I nod. "Cool," I say with genuine interest.

Butch attempts a smile.
Right then, Turner runs up to me, running a hand through his hair.
"Oh, hey Kray!" He says rather loudly.

They'd be cute together.

Butch looks at him.
"Yes, I am gay," he tells me confidently.

I laugh not so sarcastically in my mind
Not love at first sight but

If I could illustrate my internal reaction in letters, it would be;

Surprisingly, I flawlessly pull of a blank face.
'blank space-'
Oh great there's that whisper of a song.

Before it can make me question my non-existent sanity any further, I speak up.
"Hm. Oh, I have to be somewhere, bye!"
I quickly head off.

Did I mention that all those above thoughts of mine took place in a second? Believe it.

I look over my shoulder and see the two rainbows talking. Turner looks kind of short next to Butch, and he's like 5'7". Just a tad taller than me. But then Butch would be like... something feet and something inches. Yeah, sounds about right.

I reach the cabins and find two fourteen year old girls from the Sleepy Sixteen laughing together. Hope, who is 5'1", and Clara, who is a bit taller.
With them is also Haleigh, standing at 6'1". Haven't seen her much since she was claimed...

A orange haired boy with a height of 5'8" walks up to them.
Oh wow did I just measure their heights with my sight?
Ignoring that rhyme, WOW WHAT THE HELL ME.

I reach the trio at the same time as Walton.
"What was that even for?" I ask Clara, referring to her prank on Butch.

She flicks her brown hair out of her eye.
"I thought everyone deserved to know his sexuality. I don't get why he has to hide it."

"Plus it'll give some gay guys here some hope," Hope says.
Ironic, I know.
Hope glances at the Hades cabin.

"In my own bitter sweet world, Nico is bi," I say. "And I think hope will kill him. I mean, not you, I'm just saying that optimism can hurt."

Haleigh merely blinks at me in confusion. "Anyway, I think he should be with Will."

"Will?" Walton frowns.

"Yeah, they'd be so cute together! Sun, dark; Apollo, Hades; blonde, brunette; tan, pale; bright, gloomy- it's amazing!"

"Complete opposites don't work. There has to be a few similarities or it's just... crap."

"Whatever, they'd still be cute together," Haleigh says stubbornly.

Walton rolls his eyes. "Unil they break up. They're just not meant to be. Plus, there's no proof that Will is gay."

Well. I agree on that.

Suddenly, Clara starts glowing. A winged shoe emblem floats above her head.
"Yes!" She shouts gleefully. "Hermes! I knew it!"

At least that broke up the argument. Thank you Hermes.

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