~ Chapter 64 But... ~

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I inhale deeply and my eyes snap open.


No wait...
I can see the trees above me...
And my clothes are all bloody and dusty... but...
I feel normal.

My injuries have gone...
How long was I out?
It's really dark so I'm betting a few hours.

But wait... there's still the soft golden glow around me.
I gasp and look up.
And there it is, bright as day. Apollo's golden lyre.


I stumble out of the forest into the camp and it doesn't take me long to find civilization.
That's because there's a search party for me.

Now imagine.
If I died, I never would have known everyone cared about me so much.
And I never would have known that Turner and Ash would hysterically run up to me and hug me, despite me being bloody and half dead.
Though I did somehow heal myself.
I guess that's why Apollo delayed... he made me unleash all my 15 year's worth of healing power now...

Finally, the two released me, only to give Walton an opportunity to hug me.
"WHERE WERE YOU!?" He screams.

"WHY DO YOU LOOK SO DEAD!?" Asks Turner.


"Thank the Gods you're alive," Arthur says with relief.

They finally give me some space and I take a deep breath.
"I accidentally wandered out of the border."

The small audience that had gathered around me gasped.
"And I was attacked by at few ton monsters," I say modestly.
The growing audience gasped again.
"And I was pushed back into the border and I lay, dying."

The audience, now consisting of half the camp, gasped yet again.
"And then... Apollo finally claimed me... and I was able to heal myself..."

People mutter, awestruck.
If 15 years' worth of power healed 70% of me in three hours... how much would I need for a broken bone?
Never mind, I don't want to do maths this century.

Will grins. "Looks like I'm your big brother then."

I smile.

"Oh, then me too! OH MY GOSH YAY, YOU'RE MY SISTER!" Screams Walton, again.

The other campers returned to their campers. Will took me to the Apollo cabin and showed me around, while Walton brought my stuff over. Which wasn't much. Just clothes. In a box.

Then I took a shower. Alone.
You want a description?

Well the water was blood red and muddy. I had to throw my clothes away, but, meh.

Once I was all settled in, I stepp out of the Apollo cabin. Turner suddenly runs up to me.
"Hey, Khristine, daughter of Apollo! Sad news about Walton, eh?"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, your ship sink."

"What about incest?"

I make a sour face at him and head towards the dining pavilion.
He follows me.
"No, really. You know that there's porn with siblings?"

"I know."
"But Turner... shut up."

Turner sighs. "Fine. Anyway... Arthur. He's a son of Hades." He smirks.


"It's like Solangelo! Bright and dark, quiet and talkative!"

"Nico is a son of Hades. So what's the difference?" I ask indifferently.

"Arthur likes you!"

I sigh. "I know."

"What are you going to do?"

"I told you... I'm not... I don't get strong feelings easily. But I don't want to lead him on."

"But I know that soon he's going to fall deep in love!"

"Blame Aphrodite." We reach the crowded pavilion.
"Oh wait I forgot that's your mom..."

Turner shrugs. "But he doesn't get feelings for people easily either. You're perfect for him."

I know.

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