~ Chapter 45 ; Okay, I'm done shouting. I think ~

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Date: July 6
Time: 10am
Place: The Cabins' Fire

Well that was easy. I just went and got permission from Chiron to leave camp on a special errand. I can't go alone of course. I need two other demigods, and preferably unclaimed to reduce the risk of monsters.

I am definitely taking Turner. But the second person... Walton would be good, but I'm bringing Turner so... he might abandon us two at some bar or whatever. He tried that the last time.

I'd definitely ask Ash but for Turner's sake, I'm not taking girls.
Sounds bad of me, I know. Alone with two boys. But hey, Turner doesn't count.
And I only know of one other gay person... but I don't want to die and I don't want Turner to crush on my mortal enemy. He gets crushes really easily. Though they never last. It'd be easy for him to start any relationship, and I guess that quality aids Aphrodite's kids to break hearts.
And then there's people like me to stop that.

Great, so who do I take?
I know! I'll do what Percy did. Ask the first person I see.
And that person happens to be Arthur, who is just leaving the Hermes cabin. Such a coincidence. The last time we went to the city, he was there too.

I run over to him, and he notices me when I stop in front of him.

"Hi, Khristine..." he says slowly.

"Hey Arthur, you wanna come on a quest?" I ask instantly.

"A..." Arthur frowns.

"Yeah, I'm helping Percy get something for Annabeth and I need to go to the city. It's not really a quest, but anyway, Chiron said I need to take two unclaimed demigods and you don't really seem like a busy guy," I say all at once.

Arthur surprisingly keeps up. "Oh. Okay. Who else is coming?"

"Turner," I say simply.

"Turner? But- are you sure?"

Oh right, Arthur isn't best buds with Turner. "Hey, he can get a bit annoying for some people, but his help will be great."

Arthur sighs. "Fine. As long as he doesn't get crazy like on his birthday. And It'll be cool to help Percy. But why didn't you ask Walton?"

"Turner kinda sorta scares him."

"Oh... do you have a crush on him?" He asks suddenly.

"Who? Turner? Nah, he's gay. Or Walton? Nah he's nah," I say casually. "Okay now I'm gonna go find Turner because I want to leave ASAFP."
Without another word, I run to the Aphrodite cabin.

I enter. Rather noisily. I don't know why, I just suddenly feel very jumpy. Probably a mild Crazy Mode.
Before I can say anything, a girl gasps.

"Are you our new sister!?" She shrieks.

I blink. "What? No."
Oh Gods not again.

She frowns. "Really? Wow... then who's your parent?"

"Umm don't know yet."

"Well, let me just say, you really need a makeover."

I frown. "I don't think that's a compliment. But no thanks, I'm fine."

"That is a compliment! All you need is some sparkle and shine to match your eyes," says some guy.

I slowly nod. "Great, now where's Turner?"
I look around and I spot him sitting alone at the back, reading something.
I walk over and silently sit next to him.
"Playgay, huh?" I ask innocently.

Turner starts. "What? Uhh no." He throws his special Playboy edition magazine under a bed and smiles innocently.

I chuckle. "Anyways, Turner, you wanna come on a quest with me and Arthur?"

"A quest?" He frowns.

"Shopping in the city," I whisper.

Turner gasps. "Yes, of course! When do we go!?"

"Right now." I get up and we leave the cabin.
I spot Arthur wandering near Half Blood Hill. We walk over.

"Let's go, then!" I say brightly.

"Wait; don't we need weapons?" Arthur asks.

"Oh." I release two of my daggers from my chain belt and give one to each of them. "There." I grin and walk down the hill, through the border of the camp.

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