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Date: 7th March, 2003

Mrs. Bell was overjoyed. She just had a daughter. She had been expecting one. She was meant to have one five years ago. But, alas, she had died.
But not this time.

Anna Bell blinked as her hazel eyes took in her surroundings. She had been born right at home, in the spare room, which was now hers.

It was a huge house set in the middle of a huge, empty field. There was a barnyard nearby, so it was probably once a farm. There weren't any animals though.


April 9th, 2008

Anna was now five years old, and she had two cats, five rabbits, three fish, four parrots, a goat, two cows, three sheep, and two hamsters, but what she wanted most was... a dog.

One day, or night rather, Anna's mom had come home late. Her mom hadn't been able to warn her beforehand, but little Anna had her pets to keep her busy.
But finally, after her mom rung the doorbell, Anna remembered it was her birthday.

She ran to the open the door and she was going to remind her mom when she suddenly saw the basket.
Her mom gave it to her as she came in.

It whimpered.
Anna gasped and she set the basket down in the living room. She slowly opened the top and...
Out came a puppy.

Anna squealed and lifted the small thing up.
It was extremely fluffy and it had dark brown fur as curly as Anna's hair. It could easily blend in.

Anna hugged her mom. "THANK YOU! I'm gonna call him Cally!"

7th March, 2011

The eight year old had been playing with Cally when her mom suddenly came over.

"Anna... I heard you got five Cs in school this year."

"Oh... umm..."

"I should've expected it. I have to tell you something. Remember how I told you dad was always busy?"

Anna nodded. "Is he coming back?"

"No... but... you have siblings."

"Huh? LIKE A BIG BROTHER!?" Anna instantly lightened up.

"Yes. In Camp Half Blood. It's for people with busy parents like you who have many siblings."

"Ooh. But... what do their parents do?"

"They're Gods."

Anna's eyes widen. "So I'm related to a GOD!? That's awesome! Will I ever meet him?"

"Yes," answered her mom. "You will. Now, we're going to go buy Cally a new hairbrush so you can teach me how to style his hair, and then I'll drop you at the toy store where your good friend Percy will take you to camp!"
Yeah, she knew Percy. Well her mom did. Percy didn't know them. Poor thing would find a crying girl and then would have to buy her a stuffed seahorse and then have no choice but to take her to camp.

"But... what about you?"

"You'll be visiting me every holiday."

"Alright then!"
Anna Bell smiled. She was a brave girl.

Godly Parent: Poseidon
Button: Red
Favourite character: Percy

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