// ARTHUR // Chapter 57 She... //

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Date: August 25
Time: 6pm
Place: The Forest

Ever since I saw the floating purple speck, I've been obsessed with the forest. It had suddenly appeared a couple of months ago. But even before that, I had a liking for the woods. It's dark and peaceful. Probably a Hades thing.

I silently make my way to what I've identified as the tallest tree here. I pocket my knife and look around. Suddenly, I hear a voice from above.

"Who's there?"

I frown. "Khristine?" I guess.

"Yes..." the voice answers hesitantly.

I raise my eyebrows. What's she doing up there? "It's me-"

"Oh, Arthur. Should've known."

I stay silent for a moment. "Can I come up or are you going to attack?"

"Nah, I'm too lazy to right now."

Not really assuring. Nevertheless, I start climbing.
Once I reach the top, I see Khristine sitting on a branch.

I sit down next to her.
"Fancy seeing you in the forest," I say conversationally.

She shrugs. "Nice change of scenery. But it's not as high as the Zeus Cabin."

I scan the foresty canopy below us.

"Meaning that the Zeus Cabin is higher."

I look up and I can see the towering white cabin.
"I got that part. So I'm betting you like heights."

She nods. "They feel safe. What about you? You're a Hades kid. I thought you'd prefer crashing in an underground lair."

I chuckle. "That's my dad's job. I'm fine with any place with less people."

"I can understand that."

I glance at her. Despite it being dark, I can see her properly.
She looks... well this might seem cliche but, honestly, under the moonlight, she looks like an angel. Her pale blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes seem otherworldly and... I can't explain it.
I hope I'm not the only one seeing this.

"So what are you doing up here?" I ask casually.

"Just thinking." She blinks and starts to seem more like her usual-day self. "So how's life at camp so far?"

"Great. Nothing bad has happened yet. And it has been rather eventful, thanks to you."

Khristine smirks. "I know. Everyone probably would've died of boredom without me."

I nod. "So..."
What do I say now? I'm not an expert at talking, and neither is Khristine but...
"So what's up with you and Walton?" I ask.

"We're just friends," she replies.
Oh. She understood my question. I mean-

"He has a crush on you, right?"

"Yeah, Turner told me. Never could've guessed."

"Why not?" I ask curiously.

"I would totally get a crush on myself, but... I don't see any valid reasons why."

No. Don't answer that. It's a trick.
"What? But there are many things! Besides your looks, you also have an attractive personality and..."
I trail off as she looks at me.

Fuck my life.
I meant what I said though. Khristine is... everything someone would want. She's loyal and understanding, and despite her slight insanity, she's a great person at heart. Witty, sassy, sarcastic. Like a whole-


"Well it depends on people's opinions, right?" She asks.

I swallow. "What does?"

"The definition of a good personality."

"I- well- humour is the real deal," I say quickly.
What else do I say?

"I guess." She looks away and I feel myself deflate.
Her eyes can be unnerving sometimes. It's as if she can read your-

"I should get going," I say hastily.

"Alright," Khristine says indifferently.

I smile nervously and start climbing back down.

^^^ *cheeky smile.*

~The Beginning of Life~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant