~ Chapter 67 Welp Hades ~

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Date: October 29
Place: The Amphitheatre
Time: 4pm

(((So. Chapter 67. I wrote it. It vanished. So this is a REWRITE AND OH MY GOSH I HATE REWRITES so yeah it's bad >~>)))

It's near the end of October.
Only then do I remember that HALLOWEEN IS COMING YAY

But unfortunately I have to help decorate the amphitheatre. We're going to have a Halloween party here.

I sigh and roll around the streamers I was supposed to be untangling. I had given up five minutes ago and had buried myself in there. I had a tiny peephole amongst the a few shiny orange links. As I roll like a possessed pile of Halloween decorations, I see Turner walk up to me.

"... I'm going to presume you're Khristine..." he says uncertainly.

Heh he can't completely see me.
"Yep, it's me," I admit. I don't feel like tricking people right now.

"Are you like... stuck...? Okay no never mind, knowing you, you're just desperately bored."
I nod and a few streamers float around in agreement.
"Alright, so, the party that's gonna be here, like 80% of the camp is coming, and well... y'all have terrible fashion tastes so the Aphrodite cabin is ordering everyone's costumes from Amazon. They have a lot in the junk pile but they're free. And we'll sparkle them up. Okay?"

I shake me head. "I'll save you the glitter and make that 600 costumes to 599."
We have a lot of campers here now... And yes the camp has expanded.

Turner shakes his head too. "I already have something picked out for you. Oh and you'll need a date. Tata!" He turns and skips off.
I think he encouraged the date part because that'll progress him and Butch's closeness...

"Hey, NO!" I flail around, scattering streamers everywhere. Once I free my myself, I run after him, leaving a trail of streamers. "TURNER! I can't get a date!"

He turns around, smirking. "I already got you one. Tata!"

I stare at him, in shock, as he leaves the amphitheatre.

I cross my arms and go to Ash, the leader of this decoration thing. "I'm done untangling the streamers." I point behind me where snakes of glimmering orange and black chains are scattered... they've pretty much covered the entire floor and a few of the lighter ones are floating around like pollen. It's pretty, to be honest.

She smiles. "Good. That's exactly what I wanted."

I blink. "But aren't you going to hang any?"

Right then, Emily swings above us, gripping a metal chain connected to a hook in one of the upper stands. She was probably trying to swing sideways to connect it to the other hook... But she ends up going straight towards the other wall.

She screams, then she suddenly disappears.

Ash's purple eyes widen. "What the hell?"

Emily pops up behind from the shadows, lying on her back.
"Did- did I just shadow travel?"

I nod. "Congrats, you've proved Hades is still up and running. Well at least he was fifteen or sixteen years ago."

"I'm sixteen..."

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