My whole plot

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Major spoilers
To make up for it I'm going to publish everything I had ever planned for this
I'll keep it unchanged so do your best to make sense of it.
I'll miss this.

Anna, 2003 Clara 1998 Ash, Irina, Hope, Emily -13 1997 Khristine, Walton, Asuka -14 1996 Alexandra, Turner, Gabe- 15 1995 Melissa, Haleigh-16, 1994 Joey; 1993 Arthur 1992

Clara, Emily; Anna; Asuka, Hope; Gabe, Walton; Khristine in, Turner; Irina, Arthur;Ash, Haleigh; Joey; Melissa; Alexandra


Khris Preme (Nico) 14/16 1_6 1996
Anna Bell (PERCY) (Brh, Bre) /Pos/ S7 7_3 hyper 2003
Irina Isabel (Jason) (B/Ph, Re) /Zeus/ S13 6_7 kind
Asuka Greene (Leo) (BhLPe) Hephaestus ♡Nico 14 8_4 ambitious
Ash Von Verloren (Ella)(Black-h, Pe) Tyche 13 8_8 cold
Melissa Spencer (Tyson) (Ph, BLe) /Demeter/ S16 29_10 annoying
Alexandra Numenexa (Leo) (BlondeH, BLe) /Hestia/ S15 2_8 introverted, kind
Clara Romanov (Leo) (Brh, G/B/mixed eyes) /Hermes/ S13 3_2 saggy
Gabe Arin, Demeter, Katie, brown hair green eyes S15 5_5 pessimist, dark, curious, sympathetic
Joey Drey, Eris, Frank, brown hair black eyes S17 15_9 rude, smart, silent, watchful, comforting


Turner Wright, Aphrodite, Butch, black hair green eyes. S15 8_6 lovable, rainbow, friendly, defensive


Emily Blaire (Leo) (BlondeH, BLe) /Hades/ S13 27_2 hurt, funny
Hope Kare (Gabe) (Brh GoldE) /Dionysus/ S13 11_4 Geminious


Walton Wensby, Apollo, orange hair, dark blue eyes S14 5_5 helpful, selfless, loving, lonely
Haleigh Payne (Rh, BLe) Apollo S16 24_8 sassy
Arthur Proy, Hades, blonde hair black eyes S18 26_7 watchful, mysterious, funny, stressed, neurotic


WN- Walton, Emily, Joey Arthur
LC- Asuka, Alexandra, Clara
PA- Anna, Irina, Turner
Stolls- K, Haleigh, Hope
TE- Melissa, Ash, Gabe

PLOT (Start- 2011, ages=15/17; March)

March--- ash and Haleigh claimed
Catapults; Anna gets claimed (Lake)
Befriend ash
April--- Gather for making bios; Asuka gets claimed (Builds something)
May--- Fight with Nico & get punished (With Gabe and Katie);
Befriend Gabe
June--- Melissa gets claimed (Hangs someone upside down)
Piper bday WILLPOV
Frank's bday
befriend Katie
Cake at bd
Befriend Turner (Got claimed) (Someone stared at him)
July 1--- Birthdays; befriend Irina- K15
(Capture the flag:) Irina gets claimed.
July 4; Go with Walton and Alexandra; Alexandra gets claimed (Fight with Asuka and doesn't burn); befriend Joey
befriend Arthur
gift shopping
Annabeth's birthday July 12; Gabe gets claimed (Hiding from Katie)
Befriend Hope
Pranked by Nico; Arthur gets claimed.
Arthur's bday; bond
Befriend Clara; Clara gets claimed (In prank)
Joey gets claimed; Nico lies and gets Joey & Khris in trouble
Befriend Haleigh
August 18--- Percy's birthday; Arthur bond, Befriend Emily
Walton pov
Walton claimed
Arthur POV
Arthur; first date
Turner POV
Butch date
Nico POV
Chat with Will about lost campers
Will POV
Talk with Clara
Encountet with Nico; sleepover with Ash
CLAIMED- injured in CTF
Sleepover with Arthur
The lost to be found
By the three who are bound
Two lights to guide
A darkness to help hide
through the hot and the cold
To find the door all bold

October---- Emily gets claimed (Decorating for Halloween, bon fire)
Arthur; second date (cheek)
Halloween--- Hope gets claimed (Bringing wine)

Bios of everyone before
Walton's death;


(Pegasi leave, howls, tunnel down, Dolos, game (dumb test & saying no), set camp, vibes talk, puppies, wolf mom killing kids, 3 dead 5 alive, bury & name the alive, pack them in bags, they go to Pompeii.

Chased by wolves ; tunnel to Dolos in cave ; Vibe talk
Saves puppies ; buries and gives names, Fawz Briar Pry Neki ; Pompeii

December 31--- Nck1; DEATH OF KHRISTINE
Fall out
WN return

End 2?

Jan--- Nico's 16th bd

Nico bonds with Arthur and Ash
Bonds with Will

First Solangelo date
Second date

April--- RETURN OF KHRISTINE; witnessing Solangelo

Start book 3?

May- Khris becomes jealous and then Solangelo has problems.

June- Nico leaves; Khristine turns 16

July- Evil Nico.
Nico feels completely betrayed and alone. He joins Thanatos and starts cursing unloyal people with comas. He overthrows Hades.

August--- Stop Nico; Arthur's death by poison.
Nico becomes nice to Khris. They become good friends while she gets closer to Joey.

September--- The quest is begun again- volunteers. Nck2

October--- Clara death by getting lost in Woods

November--- Same QUEST

December--- Haleigh's death by distracting giant; Finish quest

Jan- Nico's 17th bd; NICOTINE- Aphrodite gets busted (Turner tells)

- Claimed
- Quest & Death (Hecate and Hephaestus blessing)
- Solangelo
- Evil Nico
- Nicotine
- End quest; Aphro blessing; confession

-Hypnos blessing; Quest to find again; Zeus blessing

-Nico's memories are erased

-Hades blessing; memories regained

-True Nicotine

2019, June 7
I still miss this
I don't even remember a lot of the plot I planned but gods it was going to be amazing
If anyone has ever read this, send me a message
Maybe one day I'll come back?

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