~ Chapter 66 ; The Beginning ~

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From now on I'll be including the songs which will be playing in Khristine's head. They can decipher the present moment or give hints for what's to come ouo

Date: September 31st
Time: 6pm
Place: The Bonfire
Song: Ordinary Man (Breaking Benjamin); What The Hell (Avril Lavigne)

So far, it's been an ordinary day. Ordinary campers. Ordinary bonfire. Ordinary day... Ordinary singing... Ordinary Rachel...

But not ordinary friends.

Turner is sitting with Butch. Walton with Gabe (they both have things against Turner so they're like some sort of bro duo). Arthur is sticking to the Hades corner (he probably hasn't seen me anyway because he usually tries to sit near me). Will is down at the front. And Ash is talking to some Ares kid she has a crush on, whose name is Hunter. I nudged them together a bit though so I can't blame them...

I'm sitting at the highest stand. Alone.
Not normal.

Something's up. Besides Olympus.
Like, I'm not complaining or anything but... it's as if something directed at me will happen... So I've been isolated.

Suddenly, Rachel collapses. The same way as she had in the Heroes of Olympus series... before giving a prophecy...
Oh Gods...

A few campers place her on a stool. She looks like she's going to puke green...
Green smoke bellows around her. And she starts reciting a prophecy.

"The lost to be found
By the three who are bound
Two lights to guide
A darkness to help hide
Through the hot and the cold
To find the door all bold"


The muttering of the campers increase.

I swallow as Chiron looks around and Rachel returns to her real self.

"Umm... Chiron?" She starts. "I think that's how you'll find them. The missing campers. But... there will be consequences. This Great Prophecy... it will last long and... I know there will be grievous events."

That's what she means.

Nico suddenly stands up. "I'll be the darkness."

Oh fuck.

This is happening way too fast-

Chiron nods solemnly. "Anymore volunteers?"

Will stands up. "I'll be a light."

Double fuck.

I see Walton look around.
No. No way.
I will not let any of my friends be under certain uncertain death.

So I stand up. Nearly tipping over the edge of the amphitheatre. Wow I would've died before the quest even started... well quest / prophecy. Great prophecies have different messages... but this has been a different year for the camp.
"I'll be the second light."


My friends, well all of the Sleepy Sixteen, and well 50% of everyone else swivels around to look at me, surprised.

"What!?" Arthur stands up. "I'll go!"

"You'd fall under darkness," Walton says. "Nico's taken that place."

Will smiles sadly at me. As does Rachel.
"Sorry, it has already been decided," she says.

I'm an idiot.

I'm going on a quest with certain death...
But wait... I'm not worried about me. I'm not supposed to die so early, I didn't pick the yellow button... But...
That means... one of us...
Me, Will... or Nico...
Will die.
No I don't meant Will will die...
I mean...

Life got worse.
Hey it's not at its worst! Right?

~The Beginning of Life~Where stories live. Discover now