)) 81 Gabe ((

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Date: 5th May, 1995

Gabe Arin was born into a gang. Well Demeter wasn't there but she had left him with Mr. Arin. Yep Gabe grew up a gangster.
His dad's base was an abandoned shop near the beach. His occupation included bank heists and all that... yes it was dangerous.

The other 4 members of the gang raised Gabe to not be like them... they stole because they had to. They wanted a good life for him.
There was some confusion on who the dad was, since they all slept around. They all looked different- but Gabe grew up to look more like Mr. Arin. Brown hair and dark green eyes.

17th June, 2000

The base had three stories. It was disguised as an abandoned construction site, half buried in sand and it had tall fences set up.
It was perfectly secret.

But one day... a few police were passing by and they saw it. They thought it was the haunted place they were getting reports about. It wasn't- the ruined building opposite was. They could hear music though; Get Out Alive by Three Days Grace.

That night, they brought an entire group to investigate. The gangsters inside were caught off guard. The police found a lot of illegal stuff. But not the people- they managed to hide. However... the police decided to burn the place down.

So they took all the stuff and set the bottom floor on fire.
By the time they left and everyone came out of the attic, they couldn't go down.

That's when the guys told Gabe to leave. They threw him out the window, and the kid landed on a pile of compost outside the fence.
The others were about to follow, but the place blew up.

Ever since, the song still haunted him.
'If you want to get out alive... run for your life...'

March 15, 2011

After that... he just waited. He cried all night. No one found him. By the morning, the flames had died. Gabe went in and he continued living there. Only his room was somehow unscathed. And he lived there for the next decade or so. The safe had enough supplies.

One day, he had a nightmare about the 17th. All that fire... it irked him how he was living in the same place. And it didn't seem right. So he packed his stuff, and in the hopes of finding a new home, he randomly headed to a huge garden. It was something like an amusement park with all plants. Well he found this really mean girl. The girl said that she knows a place to stay and still blinded by his grief, he followed her to camp.

Godly Parent: Demeter

Button: Red

Favorite character: Katie

~The Beginning of Life~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora