~)) 70 BIOGRAPHY K (Part 2) ((~

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The rabbit- KKOKAY-

No one heard her.
No one covered her eyes.
No one turned her away.
No one convinced her it was something else.
No one calmed her down.
No one held her.

No human saw the sight.
A wild rabbit did. It too was an orphan. Some people might find it funny, or odd, or unnatural for a rabbit to understand when a child is devastated. But it was no ordinary one.
Pan sent it.

The golden creature bounded up to Khristine and put its paws on her knees.
It was wild meaning that it lived wild, in the streets, but it was tame.
It was small too. Around four inches in length.

Khristine's sobbing slowed down as she picked up the adorable bunny. It fit perfectly in both her hands. It licked her finger and looked up at her.

There was an instant connection.

The rabbit was born on the same day as her fourth birthday.
It had been living on the vegetable scraps and water Khristine left our everyday for her imaginary friend.

Its family had been helping her family's plants and flowers grow. Their main source of food and money.
They had both been helping each other.

Khristine wasn't alone.

She forced herself to get up. Cradling the bunny, she walked away from her broken home and headed out of the dark alley.

August 9

The ten year old ran across the street with Goldmine hot on her heels. Her sidebag hung on her shoulder and her pale hand held the flap open for her rabbit to jump in. Once he and his carrot were safely in, Khristine picked up pace and soon the dick head shopkeeper was left behind.

Hey, they had to eat somehow.

It had been four years since her stepfather's death and her mom's kidnapping.
But being forgetful like always, all she could remember was that she was suddenly alone and that her parents had just disappeared. But she would never forget how it scarred and broke her.

Or how since then she's been disguising it and making masks after masks to try and fix it all.

Khristine turned in to one of her old settlements; the alley next to a hair salon.
She set her bag down there and started emptying her bag while Goldmine took off under a bin with his carrot.

Unfortunately for him, it would be his last meal.

Someone suddenly quietly turned into the same alley. A thing, rather.
A hellhound.

It spotted the girl that smelt like a rabbit.
It was hungry. But it was a good hellhound. It had orders not to kill.
But hunger can drive anything mad.

It caused Goldmine to eat that homeless person's money.
Forced Khristine to steal.
Karma went bad.

Khristine turned around to check where Goldy went when she spotted the hellhound.
She slowly got up to her feet and brought out a knife.
Red eye doggy = bad.

It growled and stepped closer to her.
There was a ladder nearby. If only Goldy was in her jacket pocket right then... or her bag...

The hellhound suddenly attacked. Khristine ducked and ran forward. The beast missed her. It repeated its move, knocking Khristine down. It bit her leg. She screamed, drawing Goldmine out.

The hellhound saw him and changed targets. It leaped onto the small bunny but was too slow for him.
Goldy looked meaningfully at Khristine.

Turns out Pan was right to send him. Khristine got to survive that day.
She dragged herself up and she jumped up to the ladder. She wouldn't be able to run, so she'd climb.

Goldmine distracted the hellhound. Upon reaching the top, Khristine looked down.
Right then, the hellhound managed to bite Goldmine's leg off. His squeals filled the air.
The hellhound had managed to ground him, so it started devouring him. He reached his head and the sickening screams stopped.

But not for Khristine. They kept echoing in her head.

That ends Khristine's dream.
And you know how she got to camp. She had gone shopping, four years later...

Godly parent: Apollo
Button: Red
Favourite character: Nico

~The Beginning of Life~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin