~KHRISTINE~ Chapter 26 ; Gabe the Guy ~

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I stumble out of the stables and head for the lake, leaving muddy footprints behind me. Gabe follows nearby. No one notices us covered in poo, so we safely make it to the lake. Grumbling, Gabe instantly jumps in.

I take off my now brown sandals then I follow suit.
The crappy crap washes off almost instantly. Once most of it is off, I climb out.

"I hate Katie," mumbles Gabe, sitting next to me.

"She hates you too," I state lamely.

"You picked the red button too, then?"

I nod.

"Hmm... on a scale of one to ten, how much would you say Nico hates you?"

"Eleven," I say at once. "What about for Katie?"

"Probably seven." Gabe shrugs.

"Well, at least we're at camp," I say.

"Yeah, but the people we wanted to befriend the most hates us!"

"But we're at camp," I repeat.

"With haters."

"At camp."

Gabe rolls his eyes. "Fine. Camp is great and all, but..."

"At least Katie doesn't want to kill you."

"C'mon no one can hate someone that much."

"Nico shot an arrow at my head."

"Oh... At least you're still alive."

"But he'll try again."

"But you're alive now."

"With a target on my back."

"But you haven't been shot yet."

I roll my eyes too. "Whatever."

Gabe chuckles. "Isn't there anyway to reverse the 'Button Effect'?"

"I doubt it."

"The red button just seemed like the best choice..."

"True. Most of us chose the red one. Why's Katie your favourite though?"

"Well... she's like this side character with a bold personality. Some people overlook her since she's not doing much in the books but she'd make a good protagonist too. And Tratie."

"Tratie? You ship it?"

Gabe nods. "Hey, have you been claimed yet?"

"Nah. You?"

"No, but I hope it's Demeter."

At first I thought Gabe maybe had a crush. But he wants to be siblings with Katie.
"I'm fine with anyone."

"Really?" He questions.

"Well... anyone except Hades..."


"Nico would be my brother... he's my fictional crush," I admit. I know I don't think about him much... And I don't look it... but... "I used to be hopelessly into him."

"Used to?"

"Well, yeah. He wants to kill me," I say slightly heatedly.

"What if you chose a different button?"

"We'd probably be best friends."

"Nothing more?"

"How should I know? But most probably not."

He shrugs. "Well, nice chat, I'm gonna go now."


Gabe gets up and runs to the Hermes cabin, dripping water.

I stare at the still water, at my still reflection, and see that my hair still has poo in it. And it makes such great contrast. Pretty.

Yes that was sarcastic.

I take a deep breath, trying to avoid doing something stupid like cry in anger. Sure I'm covered in partially liquid horse shit but, well, it ain't bull.
Sure Nico thinks I'm shit but that's just the shitty buttons talking.
And sure I'm telling myself shitty nonsense in the presence of some non-existent audience, who isn't shitty, but...
But there ain't no butts.

I sigh and head to the Hermes cabin for a shower.

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