~ Chapter 41; BURNNNNN ~

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Just a note on my updating schedule-
I update every time I write a new chapter, and currently, I am over 20 chapters ahead.
So that means I have everything ready to publish.
So I'm gonna do this thing for a while where I'll publish whenever any reader tells me to.
So then it's up to you and I don't need to make a calender ^-^
That means I can publish until 3 parts a day

Date: July 4
Time: 7 pm
Place: The Cabins (Centre of it, to be exact, the campfire at the centre. Let's just call it The Cabins' Fire or Cabin Central.)

It took us an hour to explore the entire carnival. Thanks to Walton, we had to play every game. We won half the time. Ash might have been useful then. I think.

Once we were done, Alexandra had disappeared. By the time we find her, she's at the campfire in the middle of the cabins and she's gotten on Asuka's bad side.
I wonder how.

Bad sides are bad, but let me just define the badness in this case- a solid 5 out of 10.
You don't think that's much? Well... I was comparing it with the 10 being someone else, so...

Walton nudges me with his elbow. "I think we should interfere."

"Not if you want to die," I say casually.

"But she might die!"

"Which she?" I ask.

"Alexandra! It's not like the other she would kill herself."

"That other she is Asuka, daughter of Hephaestus."

"Plus they're really close to the fire," he adds.

"Hey, it's not like they're gonna fall-"

Suddenly, Asuka shoves Alexandra, and her hand passes through the fire. Walton gasps.
I just had to say something.

Alexandra shouts before realizing nothing happened to her. She wasn't burning while writhing around on the floor, turning into ash. Ash the substance, not the person.

A soft, glowing flame symbol thingy floats above her head.

Campers rush over, causing a scene.
Emily helps Alexandra up while Leo drags Asuka towards the Big House.

"See? Everyone's fine," I say.

Walton nods. "Surprisingly."

Turner spots us and smirks. It takes me a while to process why.
Right. Walton and I are standing together alone, away from the others.
I do a mental face palm as he runs over.

"I'm going to head to the beach now," I tell Walton and walk off before he can say something.

Turner quickly catches up to me.
"Soooooo? What happened? Did he ask you to see the fireworks?"

"No," I say bluntly.

"What? Then why are you going to see them alone?"

"I'm not. I have me, myself, and I, that's more then enough. Plus there's you."

"Well... I might be going with someone else," he says uncertainly.

"Dude, there's just a few minutes left, you're still not sure?"

"I... I chose the orange button. And it said I have to date my least favourite character."

"And who is that?" I ask.

"No one. I think... it was probably Drew but she's my sister. So... it could be Katie, though I have neutral feelings about her and she's been giving me mixed signals about the fireworks but she hasn't asked."

I raise my eyebrows. "Generally, the guy asks the girl out."

"I know, but, I'm gay... so it's confusing."

"Fair point. Does she know?"

"No," he says quietly. "Plus, I ship Tratie so I-"

Suddenly, Katie herself bounds up to us.
"Hey, Turner! What are-" she then sees me. "Oh, hi Khristine! I see you know Turner..."
She sounds slightly jealous.

"Yep. I'm his girlfriend," I smile.

Katie's eyes widen.

"What?" Turner frowns.

"Well, yeah. You're my girlfriend too," I say simply.

Turner blinks. "You mean how girls call their close friends girlfriends?"

"Duh," I roll my eyes.

Katie tilts her head. "I'm sorry, what? Are you dating?"

Turner turns to her. "No, I'm gay," he adds.

Katie looks disappointed. "Oh. Well, anyway, I just came to say hi. Bye." She awkwardly looks around and heads to the Stoll brothers, who happened to be the nearest people.

Turner gasps. "Oh my Gods she's going to Travis!"

"Wait, wait, wait, I thought you shipped Travis with me!" I say.

Turner looks back at me. "Well, yeah, but there's also Walton as the back up, so, it's cool."
He goes back to spying on Travis.
"Connor's leaving! Oh my Gods the two of them are talking alone! And walking!" He whisper shouts.

I sigh. "Well, see you tomorrow my fellow fangirl girlfriend."

*Shipping predictions go wild lmao*

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