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15th September, 1993

This may seem typical for an Ares kid but- Joey Drey was born in a war zone. The war zone was an entire city. A small city, but it was amidst a war all the same. All I know is that it was far from camp. The war was going on for so long that Ms Drey had manged to successfully carry out her undercover scouting of the other base, get someone to fall in love with her during the stay, bring that guy over to her side, and then have a kid.

Thanks to the new recruit she brought, she didn't have to fight- that guy pretty much doubled their team's strength, as if he were some all-powerful God of war.

Joey got his mom's warm brown eyes and Ares' brown hair. He grew up in the same city- so he was trained vigourously. He looked rather weak and thin, but I shit you not he nearly beat Ares in combat. In his imagination. Ares left after he was a month old- so he naturally hated him for leaving them so unprotected.

15th September, 1998

When he was five, the unimaginable happened...he was the strongest soldier the army had. Strongest from among the twenty year old. And because of that, and his ripe young age, he was sent to an extremely advanced training camp, and thart was loacated near the camp. He got a lot stronger, but he faced a lot of pain.

A five year old, being giving the same training as someone in their thirties. Surprisingly, he excelled in it. Seems OP, but, he's was a very rare and special individual.

17th March, 2011

By the time he was 17, he was ready to return to his city. He would do as good as Ares. Good, because ever since Ares' leave, the whole war evened up again. It was still going on.

But the main reason he wanted to return was to see his mom. But the day he was going to leave, right when he got in his jeep to head to the airport- he got the news that it was done. The war was lost and that meant his house was gone too. There were no survivors. In anger, he drove out of the base and headed to the city. Not thinking straight, he accidentally drove into a makeshift arena were kids were getting archery lessons by some 16 year old.

The teacher was going to call the police, until he heard Joey's story. He said something like demigod, brother, then he took him to camp.

Godly Parent: Ares

Button: Red

Favourite character: Frank

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