~ Chapter 36 ; I, the Party Planner ~

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Date: June 8
Time: 3am
Place: The Amphitheatre

I silently make my way to the amphitheatre. The entire camp is quiet and I can't see anyone outside. It's peaceful.

As I get closer, I hear... singing. And it's not the kind of small whispers of music I hear sometimes, it's an actual single voice.
It sounds like Turner...

I walk into the amphitheatre, and sure enough, it's that adorable green eyed guy. He's sitting in the centre, mumbling to the sad tune of 'happy birthday to me'.

I head over and sit next to him.
"You're up early," I state.

Turner stops humming. "Oh, hi. I didn't hear you coming."

"Right, hi. You're supposed to say that first, right?"

Turner chuckles. "Yep. And then you go 'how are you?' or 'what's up?'."

I nod. "Let's just skip that. We're all good and fine."

Turner shrugs. "Okay. You're up early," he says.

"Hey, that was my line!"

"Not now it's not."

"Why are you up so early?"

"I asked first."

"No, you just said it, mine is a question."

Turner frowns, then sighs. "Fine. Well, Technically I didn't wake up early. I've been here all night. You?"

"I decided to take advantage of the silence."
I suddenly hear the tune of the song Breaking the Silence echo in the distance for a second. I ignore it.

"Yeah, it's not always there," Turner says grimly.

"So you've been singing happy birthday for the last three hours?"

"Three hours?"

"It's three am. And, happy birthday."

"How'd you know?"

I shrug. "Just do. It's not like people celebrate birthdays after midnight, and it's not like people sing happy birthday on their birthday," I say sarcastically. "You're sixteen, right? But... then why are you spending your birthday alone? It should be big!"

"Khristine, not everyone has publicity like the seven... there are hundreds of campers here, not everyone's birthday is heard..." he says sadly.

"Not heard by everyone. You still have friends! You could have told us!"

"I don't want any fuss."

"Oh, fuss shit, come on, you're getting a proper birthday. Your life is getting shorter, you can't spend it sitting on the floor." I get up.

"What? No, it's fine! This peace is perfect."

"Come on," I say stubbornly. I grab his hand and pull him towards the mess hall.


I sit next to Turner. Arthur sits on his other side and Walton sits opposite. The two of them are just slightly irritated from being dragged out of bed.
I don't think Arthur even likes or knows Turner well, but, whatever.

Turner stares at the small cake in front of him.
"This is one huge party."

I roll my eyes. "It's better than what it was."

"I'm going to go get your present," Walton says. He gets up and stumbles to the Hermes cabin.

I smile at Turner.
He sighs and blows out the candles.
"This is awkward."

"What'd you wish for?" Arthur asks distractedly.

"A quest. It's getting boring here," Turner says simply.
I heard their if you tell your birthday wish... it doesn't happen... well that's bull because a quest is coming. Only Turner might not participate in it.

"Well... looks like the party's over now," Arthur says bluntly.

Turner turns to me. "Thanks for trying."

"I'm not done." I get up. "Let's get Walton. We're going shopping in the city."
Last minute idea, but by the expression on Turner's face I knew I struck gold.

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