~ Chapter 10 ; The Groups ~

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I scratch the back of my head nervously. I knew the reason, and as did the other ones who chose the red button. Apparently the most famous character to us was Leo. He was continuously glaring at like four of us. The others... not so many.

Chiron overlooks my discomfort and continues speaking. "Since there are fifteen of you, I'll separate you to groups of three. Each group will get two counsellors to guide them around."

I notice Nico close his eyes for a second, trying to hide his negative feelings towards this. Must I say he failed?

Chiron doesn't notice. "Well, I can't use all our counsellors so let's see; Stolls, Annabeth and Percy, Leo and Calypso, Nico and Will, Ella and Tyson." Yes, Tyson and Ella was there too. Not Calypso though. Like she's at camp but not in the meeting. Yeah.
"Let's arrange the groups outside."

Within a few minutes, we were split into groups of three. I stood in a line with a tall, red haired girl with blue eyes and a girl with short, fluffed up brown hair. I look past them. The Stolls were grinning at me. I nervously grin back.

Leo got three of the girls he hated. Ella and Tyson also got someone to hate among their group. Percy and Annabeth too. Huh. Such coincidences. Nico was glaring at a girl who might be a daughter of Hades and another that could be a son of Apollo. Not appearance wise, but... aura wise... don't ask.

Chiron walks around us. "Now, the two counsellors with you will be giving you a tour and help you out with learning and training."

A few counsellors nod in understanding.

"Good. You all will be taken to the Hermes cabin by Nico."

Nico sighs, knowing he has no other choice, and he heads for the Hermes cabin. We follow him in a single file, and I make sure to be somewhere in the middle.
Pretty preschool, eh? I mean the line.

"So, Hermes is the God of messengers, travellers, etc, etc. Unclaimed demigods stay there, so it's huge, crowded and messy," Nico says sourly.

Suddenly, a girl speaks up. "What's the exact date of today?"

Nico stops next to the door and raises an eyebrow. "It's the 18th of March... 2011."

"So the Gaea war is over?" Asks someone else.

"Umm... Yeah... It's been 8 months..." Oh not too long then. "But how do you know- never mind. Well, anyway... Your bags are inside. You'll get your tours tomorrow I guess." With that, he goes straight to the Hades cabin.

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