¥ NICO ¥ Chapter 21 ; Kill Her ¥

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That bitch. Saying shit she knows nothing about. Me, faking my emptiness after Bianca!? She claims her family's dead but, as if. Lying bitch. I should really expand my dirty vocab...

Khrispy or whatever merely raises an eyebrow.
Gods she pisses me off so much! That stupid attitude of hers.

"Seriously? Pushing me like a kid? Real mature." She rolls her eyes and gets up.

I think of a comeback. I'd love to beat her up and blow off some steam... it's hard acting nice.
"You seem eager to leave. Don't wanna get your hands dirty, huh?"

"Who does? I mean, really."

I groan internally. She's impossible.
"Real people. They normally defend their friends from lies. But seeing as you're not, does that mean it's the truth? None of you are meant to be here. I'd leave if I were you."

"But you're not, so, tough luck." She smiles innocently.
Bitch. I didn't ask for verbal wit. I prefer not talking.

Katie and the other guy roll around the ground, trying to properly get a hit. Katie has the advantage, thanks to her powers.
Hmmm... powers...

I scowl. "Why don't you prove your worth in a duel?"

"I don't want to," Khristim says casually.

"Then I'll hunt you down. Go. The arena. Right now."

She sighs. "Fine, seeing as you're so persistent on it. I thought you'd prefer more competition than a wimp like me," she mutters as she heads to the arena.
I'm not sure it that's sarcastic or not... probably yes.

I head over to my cabin and bring out my sword. After checking it over, I go to the arena. And bump into Percy on the way.

"Woah!" He holds his hands up. "Where are you going? Arena? You look... annoyed..."

"Well, I am," I answer nonchalantly.

"Hmm... anyway, Will was looking for you."

I swallow. I swear, if I have to clean the infirmary again...

"He's gathering all of Frank's buds to decide on presents. And we're not sure where to have the party yet."

"Oh. Okay." I was getting slightly impatient now. "Is that all? I need to be somewhere now."

"Yeah, meet us in the strawberry field. I'll see you in five minutes."

Five- yeah, that's enough time to skewer a pest.
"Okay. See you then." I force a smile, and Percy smiles back then walks off.

I sigh then run into the arena.
At first, I don't see anyone. The hide place looks empty, the stands, the training sections, everything. Did she bail? Wimp.

I then see The Bitch walking around the raised stands, empty handed. Either she's stupid or over confident.
"Hey!" I shout.
She looks down.
"You ready?" I ask.

She shrugs and jumps down, grabbing that faded bronze stick sword of hers. Didn't even see the pathetic thing. Why didn't she get a proper sword, though? It looks stupid.

"Ready to die Krispoop?"

"It's Khristine," she corrects patiently.


I dramatically drop my sword on the ground and face her.

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