¥ Chapter 25 ; Kill Her With Poo ¥

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I wrinkle my nose at the sight of the stables. Definitely has to be cleaned. Isn't there anyone here with shit controlling powers? Is there no banging deity of poo and waste? Ugh.

Katie hands me a broom. "Sweep."

She hands one to Khristine and gives Gabe a cloth. "Wipe," she tells him.

I smirk. Chiron probably wouldn't approve of this 'giving the newbie the (literally) dirty work'. But as if he'll know.

I head off to a corner and start sweeping the crap to the centre.
Katie does the same.
The stables are huge. There are those door attached pen thingies for the Pegasi and currently, they're empty. The p lace looks pretty neat, if you look at the floor as matted golden and brown carpet. Ew. It's absolute cringe worthy. Even with four of us, it'll take like an hour.

As I work, I let my mind wander. I start thinking of all the usual things like Tarturus, the Underworld, my dad... Bianca... Mythomagic, the Gods, the stupid fucking Fates. Ironic how people associate deep thoughts with the shower yet here I am.

Suddenly, Katie's broom 'accidentally' knocks Gabe off his feet and he falls onto dirty straw which still has poo sticking on it. Katie bursts out laughing. Maybe this could be fun...
Khristine goes to help Gabe up and I grab a heavy bucket full of crap.
And dump it on her head.
A few years ago... I probably wouldn't have been able to lift that. See where training got me?

Khristine raises her hand instinctively, shielding her face, but she still gets pretty much coated with poo. It smells... terrible with a hint of apples.

"Now you're all shit, inside and out," I say triumphantly.

Khristine scowls and brushes at her hair, accidentally dumping some poo on Gabe as well.
This makes Katie laugh again.

"Congratulations, you just messed up the mess you just cleaned, you must feel so accomplished!" Khristine says sarcastically.

Gabe chuckles.

I shrug. "It was worth it."
Khristine rolls her eyes.

Right then, none other then Mr. D appears.
"You kids ought to be done by-" he freezes when he sees the newly made mess. "Well. Who did that?"

Gabe points at me while I point at Khristine.

"Me?" Khristine raises her eyebrows. "Why would I dump poo on myself?"

"You're made of shit, so I felt obligated to help you look the part," I say casually.
Oh snap that was real smooth of me.
Point- no never mind no scores.

Mr. D glares at me. "You will clean this up. And the four of you will also have to clean after Peter's birthday party."

"Peter?" Katie asks.

"I think he means Piper," I mutter. I don't think there are any Peters here and the only big birthday coming up is Frank's and Piper's.

"Whatever." Mr. D disappears.

Katie sighs. "Was that necessary, Nico?"

"Absolutely," I reply shortly.

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