~ Chapter 20 ; Lolololol ~

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Date: May 29
Time: 3pm
Place: Strawberry Fields

It's near the end of May, which apparently means it's nearly June. Everyone's secretly planning birthday parties and all that. Piper's birthday is on the third, and then there's Frank's on the fifth.

Which reminds me of my birthday. I'm turning 15 on the first. People might think I'm 18, but I really don't seem like it so we've stuck with 14. I could pretend Piper's cake as a late cake for me... if I get any... And Ash is the only one who knows about my birthday so I'm not expecting anything.

Should I?
Nah. Screw optimism, always gets you killed.

I make my way to the strawberry fields, humming to one of my favorite songs. Alien Youth, by Skillet.

And guess who creeps up to me then? Nico. And guess what he says?

"An Alien singing a song about Aliens?" he asks when he catches up.

I raise my eyebrows at him. "You know that song?"

"Yeah," he says matter-of-factly. "It's nearly always playing from your mp3 thing."

Yes, I have an mp3 thing. It was something Travis stole and Leo modified for me. That was really nice of them.
"How do you know that...?" I ask suspiciously.

"I just do."

He's been following me around, that's how.... Probably... trying to kill me...
I sigh. "Whatever, what do you want?"

"Doesn't anyone else know about your other story?"

"I don't know. And I don't care."

"You shouldn't be allowed here," he says coldly.

I decide to ignore him and walk faster.

And as does he. "You gonna burn crop circles now?"

"I don't even know what those look like," I counter.

"They're like circles."

"And how do your know?"

"I just do," he says again. "Are you accusing me of being a freak?"

"You already are one," I lie. "Raising the dead and crap,"

"That's called being a demigod. But you wouldn't know since you aren't one."

I narrow my eyes at him. It's like he wants to get in a fight. Well it's not really possible to provoke me.

"Says who?" I ask randomly.

"Says you."

"I didn't say that."

"You said you're from some other world."

"Why does it even matter?"

"How were you reborn? Were you this old?"

"No, I came normally, through parents." I decide to not be sarcastic. I probably sounded like it though.

"So how'd you end up at the mall?"

Great, now I need to finalize my bio. I had a ton of ideas but now I have to stick to one. "I walked."

"From? Where did you live?"

"On the streets," I say dully.

"Aww did your parents take away your toys? Why'd you run away?" he teases.

"I didn't run," I scoff.

"They kicked you out?"

By now, we'd turned back to the camp and are heading to the cabins. I might be able to shake him off there.

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