)) 77 Walton ((

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Date: 5th May, 1996

Walton Wensby was born into an average home, which was surrounded by fancy estates and rich families.
His parents had decent salaries, and they spent all that on getting the most wanted plot, and then they made a normal three story house on it. It was kinda extravagant but their neighbours... I don't know how to compare them... a printer to a CPU?
The rest were continuous donations to charity. They were good people.

Walton looked nothing like his step dad. That's because they weren't related. He got Apollo's clear blue eyes and his mother's flaming orange hair.

10th May, 2001

A few days after his fifth birthday...
He went missing.

He was our playing with one of the nicer rich kids, and he sorta got jealous about his paint and maybe destroyed them... And on his way back... Karma came in the form of a bicycle and he fell down into the sewer.

It was clean though. It was only recently placed and was temporarily blocked off from all sides except the small opening at the top.

You know what Walton did? After a few minutes of trying to get out, the kid started crying for help. Then he started crying. After a few hours, a poor lad was walking by, looking for lost valuables on the ground. That's how he found Walton.

After a lot of work, the kid was saved.

Walton learned a lot then. People mattered, poor or not, anyone could save a life. Since then... he stopped being jealous. Of anything. Whatever he got after that, he reminded himself that he couldn't or wouldn't have even been there. He'd be dead...
After that he was safely escorted back home.

And that event basically made Walton the selfless and helpful bright 'un he is today.

March 14th, 2011

As for camp... Walton was found by Will. It was his parents' idea to send him to camp- after his twelfth birthday the monster attacks had started so he was sent to a wilderness camp where Walton wandered off to a strawberry field. He had collapsed right within the border.

Godly Parent: Apollo
Button: Yellow
Death indicator: Debris
((Remember how Walton once wandered to the Zeus Cabin, following something? Yeah don't forget that~))

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