~ Chapter 68 ; The Masked One ~

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Date: October 31
Time: 10pm
Place: The Amphitheatre
Song: Those Nights (Skillet)

I stand near the entrance of the amphitheatre. Pretty much everyone is already in there. Turner is the fashion and date police tonight.

I'm wearing the dress he gave me. It's as white as my skin with vibrant turquoise flowers here and there. It has... I don't know how to describe it. Like... a border on the top which extends to a strap around my arm or below my shoulder. It's kinda tight on the chest so it's not falling off. But just in case I used the transparent strap on my other shoulder. Hopefully it will be enough but... at least Turner didn't make it. I hope he didn't alter it either. The skirt of the dress starts at my waist and has a turquoise braided belt. The skirt's up to my knees and...

I look like a ghost. Perfect.

I have absolutely nil makeup on but Turner always said my lashes were huge so I hope he doesn't notice it's not huger and doll-like and I don't even own mascara. Or anything.

I'm wearing plain white shoes because I don't know what else will match, but besides that, I have the fashion part down.

Now my date.
I have none.

Right then, I see a shadow shift near the Hades cabin. Undoubtedly, it's Nico shadow travelling.

I sigh and decide to turn invisible and go in but then someone taps my shoulder.
Guess who?

Some boy.
The boy is wearing all white too, which also matches his skin. And to match his blonde hair, he wore a full face golden mask.
"Why are you just standing here?" Asks the boy. His voice isn't muffled at all and I can tell who it is. But I didn't think he'd be coming.

"Turner," I say simply.

The masked boy, or guy, since he's not a kid, merely shrugs. "He'll let you pass. You're not alone now."

I turn back and head inside. Turner sees the guy behind me and winks at me.
He knows who it is.
Because he chose the outfit for the guy too.

After that I just wander around like a ghost while I spook a few people out by fading and suddenly becoming bright and shit like that and then finally it's time for FOOD.

The whole time the guy had been following me around though. Not in a creepy way. In a protective way. Protective as in so that Ash doesn't get to punch me as I interrupt her dance and not in the way that says 'SHE'S MINE YA DICKS!'.

But then we find a problem. There's no drinks. Mr. D said he'll be sending cranberry juice. But he's just chilling here...

Then our saviours arrive. Gabe and Hope show up with a trailer of beverages behind them.
Dionysus smiles knowingly. He points at Hope.

A glowing purple grapevine appears over her head.
At first, Gabe probably thought it was wheat because he looked terrified. Yep he definitely has a crush. I wonder how.

By midnight, I decided to talk to the masked guy. But he beat me to it.
"Hey, uh Khristine... I should get going. Nico didn't disable the lock for the Hades cabin," he mumbled.
He doesn't even realize he confirmed away who he was.
"See ya..."

"Bye!" I reply.

He hesitates for a second.
Then he quickly kisses my cheek and runs off.

I suppress a smirk. Looks like the mask gave Arthur some courage.

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