¥ Chapter 22 ; Still Gotta Kill Her ¥

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Khristine doesn't seem too surprised. "Something wrong?" She asks casually.

I smile at her coldly, then lift my hands in front of me. Despite the sunlight, I try to summon my inner darkness. I probably should've challenged her at night... easier to kill. But I'm still capable during daytime.

A fissure opens in front of Khristine's feet and a wide crack circles around her. The ground beneath her begins shaking. I already feel tired. She's not worth getting my energy wasted on, but this is good practice.

"Is that allowed?" She asks coolly.
I didn't think of that... meh they'll fix it somehow. But as if they'll do anything about it. By they I mean Chiron and Mr. D.

I narrow my eyes and a skeletal hand rises from the gap. Khristine frowns at me and kicks it away. She doesn't notice the two full skeletons behind her.

I already feel like collapsing, but I suck it up and need standing.

Somehow sensing them, she turns as one starts to strike. She quickly brings up her sword against it, hard, and rams into the other. They both fall apart.

Seeing an opening, I run forward and kick at her feet, managing to knock her down. She had rather good balance though. I've seen her walking along the edge of the Asus cabin's roof, and she's still alive.
Khristine rolls away and gets up to her feet. I run at her again, before quickly dodging and hitting her on the head with the flat of my blade.

"Hey!" She doesn't sound too affected.
She spins around with her sword aimed at my head. I jump backwards, nearly toppling over. Khristine lunges forward and I loose my balance, falling backwards.

I shuffle back, moving away and I summon another fissure, nearly passing out. The whole arena shakes and The Bitch falls down too. I swiftly get up and hold my sword to her neck before she can react.

"You are too easy to beat."

She raises an eyebrow, and suddenly a bright light hits my eyes. I shout and bring my hands up to cover them and my sword goes flying.
Khristine gets up and presses her sword to my chest.

"That's not fair! I already beat you!"

"Nope. If this were a duel to the death," it wasn't? "I'd have blinded you before you got to kill me." She steps back.

'Want to bet on that?' I shoot angrily.

"No thanks."

I growl, and before I can punch her, I hear shouts.
Mr. D stomps towards us with Katie and That Boy behind.

"You two! Did you have to destroy the arena!? There are limits! No destroying stuff over stupid feuds and no wrestling near the campfire!" He glares at Katie.
Dionysus continues. "The four of you will help clean the stables tomorrow! And if this happens again..." Dionysus storms off.

Well shit that was stubborn... did he just...
Gods I couldn't even get to injure her. Ah well. I've probably proved my point.

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