)) 83 Haleigh ((

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Date: 24th August, 1994

Do you like art? If so, you'll like Haleigh Payne's story. Haleigh was born near an art gallery- that's where her mom and stepdad worked. Her step dad didn't know about the Gods- he thought she was his daughter biologically too, when it was Apollo's. Her mom never told him about that nice stroll and the beach... eugh.

Haleigh got Apollo's blue eyes, and thankfully her mom had the same too. Her mom (and stepdad) had red hair too. If it were blonde... that would have been very bad. But anway, her step dad was completely convinced they were biologically related. And he didn't bother to check.

However, her mom died upon giving birth to her. Don't like the story? Sorry but facts are facts... so Haleigh was raised by her step dad alone, until he got married a year later.

31st July, 1999

Despite her mom's death, her life was pretty great. She lived in a condo connected to the art gallery- her dad was a very busy artist, so she was kept busy with her step mom. She never realized she wasn't related to any of her current parents. But she loved them both. One day, her step dad drove her to the museum.

It was on her fifth birthday. Her stepmom volunteered to clean up the art gallery and let them spend time toiegther. Haleigh was awestruck by the museum. It was great. But the memory would be bitter sweet.

On the way back, her dad suddenly stopped at a road one block from their house. He told her to get out and run home- it wasn't that far. She didn't know why but then she saw her dad had a gun- and then the monster showed up. Mr. Payne saw it as a jail convict.

Haleigh ran indeed. And when the police reached the place, they saw that there was only a broken and blood stained car.

March 16, 2011

Haleigh continued living with her step mom. By the time was sixteen, she had pretty much forgotten that incident. She was then living happily. She was going to a fabulous school where she was really popular, and she was an advanced artist. But one day... she came back home to see it was on fire. The gallery too.

There were a lot of people around. She ran up to the flames, when a guy ran out, perfectly unscathed from the fire. He said that there was no one alive left. The police questioned Haleigh and once they affirmed it was her place, they let her go. The same gothic, magical appearing guy was waiting for her. He said he knew a safe place for Haleigh to live in. A camp.

Godly Parent: Apollo

Button: Yellow

Death indicator: A hollow rock

Gods damn I last edited this on April 4...

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