)) 73; Ash ((

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Hehe garnetgirl03

Date: August 8th, 1997

The Von Verlons had a pretty good life. Canada was a cool place. As was their apartment. And the hospital. Today was the day their first kid was born- Ash. A girl with black hair and unique purple eyes. Rumour has that she had a younger brother, but, who knows.

Back to Ash.
So yeah as you must have figured out, she was born in Canada. Yay.
That's all.

December 24th, 2002

What was Ash's life like? It was cool. Besides the fact Tyche left a year after her birth. Her dad had remarried soon though. And her step mom was nice.

Ash loved reading. Despite being five, she had read a lot of books. She was also familiar to the concept of sarcasm. So growing up, she was rather sarcastic. Yes, she's still five.
So basically, her parents assumed most of what she said was the opposite of what she'd want.

"Why's everyone running? It's as if aliens inwaded," Ash said as she looked out the window.

Her step mom looked at her suspiciously, but she went back to washing the dishes.
I know, typical, but her dad was busy painting the ceiling, and it's not as if Ash can help.
She can probably... But no one knows if she really agreed to the idea.

Ash suddenly pressed her face to window. "RUN YOU PEASANTH, GOSH YOU'D THINK THOSE THINGTH ARE GWANNIES!" Sometimes she can't pronounce a few letters. Yes, she's five, but she doesn't have a tooth. Yes, she's five.
Gosh stop questioning her age.

Her dad looked down at her, pausing his painting. "Calm down, Ash."

"But look! They're being chased by fire guyth!"

She was right though. One story below, a group of Draecanae were chasing the gardeners and guards on the grounds.

Suddenly, one broke away and slithered to the front door. Ash gasped. "Mom, thewre coming! The aliens!"

Her mom merely laughed.
Ash made a confused face. "But-"

A hiss suddenly came up the stairs.
Her mom froze and turned around. "Go."

Ash ran into her room as her father swiftly climbed down his ladder.

You know what happened?
They were able to fight them off. Yes, her step mom was aware of the Gods and she could fight. She was a British ninja in training. Really.

So they lived happily ever after. Until February 4th, 2007. The same thing happened... only this time there were more monsters... And Ash's parents were killed. She got lucky and survived.

March 13th, 2011

For the next three years, Ash lived in a nearby orphanage. It was an okay place, except for the fact that after your thirteenth birthday, you had to get a job. Or rather you were given one.

7 months into prepping food and Ash had had enough.
So she ran away.
She had no aim as to where. However, she had thought of returning to her home.

She had been wandering for a few days now, thinking about her aim in life, when suddenly, a woman appeared in front of her.

Ash stopped and waited for her to move. She didn't.
"You need something?" She asked.

The woman stepped back. She was wearing casual clothes, mainly of a brown colour, and she had bright blonde hair with green eyes. She silently pointed in the direction of a lone road. "That way will serve you good." She then disappeared.

Ash blinked. Was she hallucinating? Probably.
But hey, what's the harm in listening to a hallucination?
Ash followed the path.

After a while, she found a small shack selling strawberries.
That's where she took a pit stop, and that's where a girl named Ella found her.

The blonde woman was Tyche. If it weren't for her, who knows where Ash would be...

Godly Parent: Tyche
Button: Red
Favourite character: Ella

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