~ Chapter 8 ; The Lie ~

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Chiron walks forward, in centuar form.
"Welcome, to our newcomers," he says warmly. "I'm pretty sure you all want to know what's going on. Well you have the first half, we have the other."

A few of us exchange glances. We might have just met, but automatically we were a team. And apparently, we were thinking the same thing.
They want to know about our oddness. I mean, a few of us are like 16 and unharmed by monsters... and I bet all of us fainted upon arrival. So, how do we break them the fact that they're fictional characters?

"Who'd like to supply us the first part?" Chiron asks.

I look around, keeping a blank face while working on the story to tell. Everyone would hear it so it'd have to sound more factual and true. But it's not as if I'm going to talk.

Unfortunately, the others notice my mask of calm confidence and someone pushes me forward. I merely raise my eyebrows showing slight surprise, though I was freaking out inside.
Apparently I am going to talk.

Chiron gestures me to come forward. "Ah, a volunteer."

I walk forward. Being fanvergent, I took volunteer as two meanings. One was a tribute in the Hunger Games. That did nothing to appease my fear. CURSE YOU SNOW LEAVE ME ALONE

I stand next to Chiron, facing the famous demigods. Leo grins encouragingly at me, Travis winks and Nico merely gives me a death glare. I swallow nervously and start speaking.

"Well... we're demigods from the past. The fifteen of us were given a chance to be reborn and stay safe till we get to camp, only with conditions. They came with these buttons that enabled us to come."
Cool story.
Did they even understand anything?

People start whispering. They probably thought we might be the ones who died in the second titan war. Like Luke... Okay no, we'd have to be really young for that.

Nico suddenly speaks up. "And why did the Gods send fifteen of you? Then put you to sleep? And what the hell is this button schist?" He asks testily.

"Sleep?" I frown at Chiron.

"Yes," he affirms. "All of you started coming after the 7th, a few on the same days, a few not. It probably has something to do with your age. After you all arrived, you blacked out. Today was the first time you all woke up."

The fourteen other demigods exchange worried glances.

I nod slowly. How long was I out?
"Okay. And as to why we're here, I think there'll be another great prophecy or something. We were sent together at once..." That wasn't made up though. I could feel something big coming. Hopefully not a kick out of camp.

The demigods around us become restless. Great Prophecies aren't good news. They always bring death. I doubt there'll be anything soon but... I hope I'll be there for it.

"We should discuss this elsewhere... Counsellors, follow me! Everyone else, you're dismissed!" Chiron announces.

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