grif to simmons

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A/N: okay! so, first chapter :P i'm just going to finish up what i have on the book's cover.
for future reference, i will be making these texts look how they would normally on a cell phone, so texts to someone will be indented on the right, texts from someone will be on the left. please let me know if this way is confusing, and i will change it!
feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated! c:

slight grimmons if you squint hard enough

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 3:41 AM

yo simmons u awake

grif, it is 4 am!! what do you want?

bring me some oreos

what, no! get them yourself!

i could but ur closer 2 the kitchen

i was sleeping, asshole!

soooo is that a no?

Today 3:57 AM



Today 4:02 AM

yo dick

fine oh my god just stop texting me you lazy ass

thank you :)))

whatever. you better share

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: alrighty, short and sweet cx
let me know what you think, along with if you think there's any way to make the texts look better. i thought i would just do a "to" and "from," but i thought this way was simpler and less time-consuming, lol.
i will try my absolute best to make future chapters longer than this!


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